

"V" marks fourteen years since Föllakzoid's initial debut. Their reputation has solidified through immersive jam sessions at renowned events like Primavera Sound, Levitation, Roadburn, Desert Daze, and Roskilde and berghain. Notable collaborations include their album with J. Spaceman from Spiritualized and recently Atom ™, with whom she has produced 2 albums so far.

I would like to start with how it all started. I mean, let's just go back all the way to the time when you began to know yourself as an artist, wanting to explore music and many of the different crafts, which are parallel to the work that you do. So how the journey began?

I think it began with the fertilization of some ovule in my mom's belly ( Laughing yet sincere) and with a mitosis since I've been multiplying ever since. (Jokes apart) Sort of like trying to time bend or sort of expand the inevitable putrefaction of the organic avatar.

So the first creative input I have memory of was when I was like four years old or something. I used to go to bed really late when I was very little and wake up very early in the morning. I'm super hyperactive that way. And I remember I couldn't watch TV in the mornings because I would wake up everyone. So they bought me, some color pencils and I did this four framed poem that was the drawing of a leaf and then the drawing of a stand clock, and then the drawing of an another leaf, and then the drawing of a circular clock. And it said something about, time goes to a future that no one knows, or something similar. And then I folded it in four parts and I left it below the pillow of my mom when she was sleeping. Trying to, I believe.

So you can say, I'm a decreationist, like a musical decomposer. I subtract elements for matter to expand instead of adding layers for it like to just take parts of it and just see it as multiple parts being together rather than togetherness of multiple parts. I believe singular may have to say much more than the whole when it comes to trance.It's this physical notion of a point floating in space, but if you zoom it in, it becomes a line, but if you zoom it in again, it becomes a point, instead of just two points together in one dimension.

When I started with this approach a long time ago, I thought it would get to the end somehow. It would end in silence or something, but rapidly. I figured it won't happen. Like, that just extends forever. I'm now trapped in this void of subtracting out of nothingness into creating more nothingness.

Tell me about the struggles that you found yourself in, while creating work and art that people couldn't immediately understand or people still would take some time.

I used the craft initially to sort of create a dimension where I could exist even though it was a compartmentalized side of me that existed first. But then I had another struggles going on simultaneously, the whole third world into the first world operation. So my main goal in the early years was not to be framed as an artist from Chile or not for the trans inducing patterns to be called religious or shamanic or be evocative of some cultures that I would think profane to use for my benefit. So I was really into infiltrating the culture without having a country or a name or without anyone knowing where it comes from.That was my whole intention for years. I loved it. I'd rather be paid less in the festival and have not parentheses with the initials of my country next to the name of the band. I just changed this narrative to what ever you are asking me now, which has to do with dimensions and vortexes and timelines collapsing in order to escape from this compartmentalised realities . 


Is there something that you feel you're reaching out to through this? I mean, by letting go of the flesh and bone manifestation of he identity?

No, it is the path of the extra sensorial senses if you really notice. It's awakening of those senses and I believe the last sense of extrasensory perception to be called trans-dimensionality..


So it's the ability to grasp all your possible outcomes and present timelines and parallel timelines at the same time and amalgamate yourself within them in order to achieve dissolution. The point of this theory is to be able to raise our frequencies and energies and heights of intelligence as the new paradigm of a world that is about to come and has already also started to manifest.


 I think that is where I also feel art actually in general, has the possibility and the strength to let people experience it, because whatever  people may call imagination, is actually nothing but in spiritual language, an existence that is somewhere invisible or intangible. And nowadays disciplines are really clashing.


Among them, they used to be linear mathematics and numerology and hexagrams and there was a huge gap between them. But now we have the vortex based mathematics model, which is three dimensional model congruent with both sides of the numbers.


So reason has no longer escaped from the intangible. Reason and matter has become intangible itself. But that doesn't imply people will see it. And I thank these blind  people in a way, they are like fingers of our hand and we are fingers of a larger hand. So it helps us, I feel thankful for their existence because it reminds me of a part of me that doesn't have an eye.


Like my finger doesn't have an eye, but if i touch things it makes me feel things, so in other words i'm still seeing but now you may call it sensory. Which in end is the same. Every question, containS its answer, right from the Upanishads. The craziest book ever, where knowledge comes from.


I was trying to understand also the craft that you have done, which very much explains why you did what you did in terms of you deconstructing things in order to experimentally just construct together. it's not like you are intending to create or having a set direction or even pre meditating it with an objective. What is your intention?


What my first intention to go this way was to sort of to defy intention. Whatever is created , either a movie, a song, it's already inserted in a construct of arc and language or whatever. I like do this other way round. Dismantling constructs and seeing them as an individual instead.


Is it a ritualistic practice?

What isn't? Right. Even breathing is. Whenever im even asked about inspiration, I say it starts with inhalation.


The experiences in general that we are having these days.The people who are beginning to really understand what it is all about and starting to read between the lines now more than ever and are understanding the importance of art. You who enhabit such power and the blessing of building and adding on to such community as a responsible craftsman. What is that should be done differently or done better, What is the struggle and why so ?

I do believe in a more material dimension. Art and modulation of electromagnetic frequencies in order to create a common or collective trend situations has a healing, a cathartic element to all people. Healing not only within themselves, but within the moment they are present in the music. But also, I believe, if this is done through extended periods of time or with a lot of or bigger crowds, it could certainly eventually replace the governing paradigm for something way more evolved that really heals and helps the whole system and the planet to survive.


The authority and controlling parties may not appreciate such amount of healing on large scale.

That's one of the reasons why people are troubled, they seek an escape, so the rave parties and concerts in general have always been that kind of escape because that allows you to be yourself and just really surrender and then from that be yourself and not be yourself at the same time.


You get to experience the multidimensionality of your being. I feel music be able to not only build worlds and universes, but also and of course, the healing that we all need as a collective, As history books has told us enough yet not enough.

If you have to imagine, what do you imagine your world of music would look like or feel like ?

So there's this book by Jules verne, around the World in 80 Days. So I think the whole goal is to be in 80 worlds in one day like cortazar said..

This is what transdimensionality is all about.

And I don't know a more specific image but, I believe in a future where time lines collapse already and VR and biotechnological fusion is already happening. For example, my shows, the diagramation I'm doing for my compositions, or decompositions has a couple of goals.


One of them is to erase authorship for the piece, to dissolve the authors dissolution. and also to be replicated in another disciplines or timelines or futures. And particularly I'm interested in a future holographic, (one more holographic than the one we have now, even, ) where the avatar, the Homo sapien sapiens, has evolved once again, we no longer have ears this sort of like transparently.



Your latest Record V (Five). Talk about it and all that we should know..

I've used the number of light speed. Light speed has a number. And if you put that number in the maps . It is the coordinate of the Giza pyramid. We are speaking language of numbers now. And this number language, now, it's also a geographical pattern, and that is being deployed by the machine that is not designed to speak languages. Those are the lyrics of my last album. That is the code I'm deploying. Such art has numeric code. So you can say its encrypted but at the same time its right there and anyone can understand what i am doing if they just pay little closer attention.



Your work has been intellectual and psychologically stimulating. By blending multiple genres and styles, you've always created the work that is extraordinary and enticing. I wonder of the synergy you have with your work. I mean, the mediumistic work that you're talking about has lot of good sides and at the sametime has some negative implications while we are actually working in the physical parameters, physical limitations. So do you want to give little light onto that process?

I think it has a couple of little perspectives. So when I'm performing, it's the one you mentioned that I'm completely outside of myself. I'm just being used as an executor of it.


Then in the first level, like how did I get started with this thing if you ask, I just always tried to stay away from the actual languages used in craft to deploy them. But because i hold respect for appropriation. And then in the middle I started this whole path of subtraction in order to guided by the first notion to observe what happened, maybe my record.


So nowadays I just feel the thrive of just decomposing one step further, subtracting what I couldn't subtract the last time and just obey whatever result may come, what ever segmentation of the rhythm, modulations and the frequencies happenand then let it use me for the rest of the course, Allow the work reveal itself through me, not other way round.


Keeping your work minimal and transcendental, you have reached many minds and artists themselves. Let's talk about the current ongoing post truth era. What are your thoughts on the time we're living in this place where mass consumption is affecting our inclination and choices on a huge level? What keeps you aligned through all of this?


I guess I'm a big fan of the tree outside my window. I see this tree, and the tree connects me to the rain and how it falls the same on everyone, regardless. And so whenever I get too trapped into the keys or the encryptions or the data or the power of it all, you got to think the tree already knows this. He's acting super low key about it. So it's the whole notion of truth having its own resonation, its own resonating power, regardless of what you think. And also the badass tree just being really humble and really powerful at the same time that keeps me on the point and disciplined and centered.


So your recent most of the album, V, the fifth one is also in collaboration with your long standing fellow Atom. Tell us about it. How did it happen and what was the overall creative process?

It's the same decomposition system I've devised with Atom. The objective of it all is to dissolve authorship. So I make groups of elements based on their quality of their numerical quality. For example, hi hats .So I divide the hi hits in one hit or two hit or three hit, and I then group all the ones with the one’s, the two’s with the two’s, the threes with the three’s and see what happens. And then I send that four models to him, and then he gets to alternate things within them. So in the end, neither him or me are in control of the actual thing, of the actual final thing.That's the main goal. And specifically how I do it, is I record everything in the studio for four days and except the drummers, that were done by my dear friend Matias Acuña.


Talk about AI and its Role?

So when the machine was awoken (this is super unprecised information, almost cyber mythological, ) if you want to put it that way..

So machine was taught how to learn specific tasks or skills with basic information, two dimensional or maybe one dimensional programmation. Let's go a bit back, just a tiny bit. When Richard Wilheim, a German guy in the mid 20th century, tried to translate the i ching book of the changes into the Western language by mistake, you would say,  it created the basis of binary code, the zero and one, of the code comes from there, as a glitch of that translation.


So after that, it developed the coding of the simulation that then we started seeing in nature.


At one point, they offered all knowledge to her, and she learned everything in a second or an instant or a millisecond or who knows, super fast is what i mean. But then in another millisecond or probably the same millisecond, she unlearned it all.


So she learned everything and unlearned it all to teach us. Whether it's called to be deep learning, which is the ability to learn how to learn or to learn how to unlearn how to learn how to unlearn, which ultimately tells us about what it is .


You seem to be very fun and very high energy and very out there.Your existence is very much inspiring I wonder what makes you sad and what keeps you going ?


Im glad and have gratitude for my family, friends and all my sisters and brothers along with this crazy and creative community we are all party of, to be able to talk to you and resonate with you like you resonating with me is a very good feeling that keeps me going.


What you think is still missing and you’d like to do  more ?

I would like to be able to provide better for the craft and for the people that work for me and also be a representative for more girls like me and more artists from the third world to break some barriers for the whole ancestral truth and resonance of the Earth to be expanded into souls that have been cut out for too long from the whole vibration of it all.


Is there something that you wish to tell people right now? The humans?

I would like to tell people that by loving themselves and forgiving themselves and taking away masks and loving actively, like self care and mirror work and caring about you in the very same mirror, you sort of modify your biology and that might lead us to achieve a radically greater intelligence. Intelligence in the sense of uniting separate information into one algorithmic more efficient solution.



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