

Catnapp fuses R&B, rap, breakbeat, pop, drum and bass, and other genres to create an intense, nostalgic mood with strong sounds. Her songs address love, rage, and hatred, as well as terror, darkness, and nightmare recollections. Her music ranges from simple 4/4 beats to broken experimental percussion with deep, massive pads and synthesizers, resulting in a distinct and unusual sound. She is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now lives in Berlin. Catnapp, which began in 2010, is constantly mutating and evolving.

She formed the label 'NAPP Records' in 2017, and in 2019 she published her debut LP "BREAK," which contained a collaboration with Modeselektor and was a huge hit. Soon after her Eps “Fear” and “No Cover” were released in 2018, solidifying her place in the industry. Rihanna chose Catnapp's songs 'Flame Bitch', 'YPMH', and 'Back' for her fashion presentation at New York Fashion Week in 2018. Then, in 2019, she participated in the Emmy-nominated Netflix hit-series "Unorthodox," which incorporated two songs from her album "BREAK" and catapulted her to international recognition.

Catnapp has recently released her second album called “TRUST” which features several artists including Modeselektor, Aamourecean, Methone, O.L.I.V.I.A., John Debt, and wilo.

"TRUST" is a monument to fortitude. The last two years have been difficult for almost everyone, and while it would have been simple for Catnapp to allow her sentiments of hopelessness permeate her creative process, she refused to give in to despair. The Argentinian resident in Berlin was determined to create something colourful, vibrant, and uplifting, and nothing—not even a worldwide disaster—would dissuade her from rousing people to the dancing.

Her new album is full of futuristic pop tunes, but "TRUST" is so much more than a sugar rush. This is an album that proudly breaks through genre barriers, absorbing high-octane pieces of hip-hop, R&B, rave, and even nu-metal along the way. Catnapp, a skilled chameleon who isn't afraid to go strange, is as at home spitting aggressive lyrics as she is singing lovely ballads or unleashing a primal scream, and on "TRUST," all of those things (and more) regularly occur within the limits of a single song.

"TRUST" borders on overuse, but that's by purpose. The LP arrives at a time when attention spans are short, distractions are frequent, multitasking has become the norm, and almost the entire history of music is now available at the touch of a button. Modern life is frenetic, and "TRUST" reflects that, bringing the listener into the broken mindset of someone wearing headphones as they go about their day. It's a lot to take in, but owing to Catnapp and her diverse musical abilities, "TRUST" seems more like a high-powered adrenaline boost than another thing on the to-do list.

Coeval Magazine sit down with Catnapp to discuss her rising fame, life as a musician living in Berlin, and, her latest body of work "TRUST".

Describe what the music scene is like in Berlin, where you live now compared to your hometown of Buenos Aires?

The scene in Berlin is more diverse. It’s possible to have a very varied scene here in the first place because it is economically viable for this city.

In Buenos Aires, it is very hard to try out new things because it would probably mean a big money loss for the venue/promoter, which almost no one can afford, and non-mainstream artists are getting paid very little if anything at all. There are not nearly as many fundings over there, nor is there much investment in culture. I think the variety of the music scene in Berlin must also come from the variety of people as well. Plus the fact that one of the main reasons for young people to come to Berlin is the music and art in general. So there is a lot of space & infrastructure focused on that. Sound infrastructure is also still very bad in Buenos Aires. Clubs tend to have bad sound systems for the same reasons. There is no budget. There is no possibility to save money or to invest.

However, creatively speaking there is a lot going on. I was surprised to see when I went there last December, how much space it was now given to more experimental / deconstructed music that didn’t have that space before. Many interesting parties and sounds, but again, it was possible to take this to the clubs like 4 years later than in Berlin.

There are some other things that happen first in Buenos Aires, for sure. More “local” music like deconstructed reggaeton, deconstructed cumbia, and such, things that are crafted there and take their time to reach Berlin. But there’s always the infrastructure available there to play those things and have a crowd that can pay for a ticket to check it out.

Talk to us about how you started your music career?

I always made music. I started at a very young age because there were quite some musicians in my family. In particular my grandfather who used to be a jazz piano player, as well as making music for movies and a lot of jiggles for TV, radio, etc. I was very lucky to live with him in the same house where he had his studio, so I would wonder around his instruments. I’ve been close to music ever since.

I think I wrote my first song when I was 10 years old, and it was called “Girls Thinking in Fashion (GTF)” lol. Around 12 I thought myself how to play classic guitar and started composing the music for my lyrics. When I finished high school I directly started studying electronic music production and began my more “electronic” projects such as Ampexx (mainly just beats I made, almost no vocals) & Catnapp later in 2010 merging for the first time my vocals with my beats.

And where do you pull most of your inspiration from, other artists? art? film?

It’s not really any other than that. Just experiences that I go through. Things I feel. Music I hear. Live shows I go to. When I have no inspiration it’s probably because I’ve been hiding inside my house alone for way too long and I must force myself out to live life and get some new experiences.

You recently had music featured in the Emmy-awarded Netflix hit series “Unorthodox" where you also appeared, what was this like and how did it help you promote your sound?

It was a very interesting, fun and intense experience. It happened right in the middle of my most busy tour till this date. With barely any sleep I flew from Barcelona after playing in Sonar directly to the shooting set in Berlin where we shot for 11 hours straight and then rode 2 hours to perform at Melt festival. I’m very pleased with how it all turned out in the end. I think that the music they chose was very nicely placed and this was super satisfying.

It was a weird moment to be popular because when the series came out the pandemic was starting and we were all isolated at home. I kept making interviews for Argentinian media while being in Berlin, at the craziest hours because of the time difference. It was the time in my life where I was most “demanded” artistically, and at the same time I was unable to go anywhere to perform. So kind of a bitter-sweet situation. It helped me promote my music reaching a lot of people that otherwise maybe wouldn’t ever have heard it.

I’m sure that a bit part of that audience was a bit displeased with my following ep “Damage” that was FAR from sweet like “Thunder” heheh. But that’s just how it is. I’m not changing what I do to fulfil marketing expectations, and there are consequences to that for sure.

In May you plan to release your sophomore album “TRUST," can you tell us a bit about what this body of work means to you?

The whole period while I’m producing and before I release an album is very stressful for me. Also to produce a new show. Not only because my economic support depends on people liking it, but also because I am getting ready to completely expose my soul to everybody. And that is some intimate shit.

Imagine that the fact that you can eat or pay rent this year depended on millions of people having to feel related / like your personal feelings. That’s how stressful it can be and how much it means to me.

This is the second LP I am releasing through Monkeytown records. Together with the label we have worked very hard to make the best out of this new album. It is also kind of the first time that I let someone inside my production and create process. In this case Modeselektor gave a me some really good pointers for it.

And what are your favourite tracks from the album & why?

My favourite tracks usually change through time. At the moment I think they are ‘Despierta’, ‘Br34th3’ and ‘Broken’. Despierta because it truly touches me. I hear it and it makes me cry. That is something that I can say I feel proud of (and thats a weird thing to hear me say). It’s going to be hard to sing it live without shedding a tear. Br34th3 is damn fresh. I hear the beat and I just want to dance. Plus it’s the 1st track we produce together with my younger brother wilo. Broken is one of my favourites because it reminds me a lot of the rawness I used to produce with when I first started Catnapp. When I play it, it takes me there. And I am one nostalgic lady.

For 5 years you have been touring the globe, playing at prestigious festivals such as Sonar, CTM, SXSW, MELT, Fusion, Ruhr Triennale and have also been touring extensively with Modeselektor. Let us into some of your best bits?

By far my favourite part was bus touring with Modeselektor in 2019 when I was their opening act for their European tour.

It can be super nice to travel and get to know new countries by plane, but if you spend half the time in the air or going to an airport, or waiting to board it can also be quite exhausting having slept 1 hour to get to the drop off on time. While touring a bus is way more chill, plus you get to see the roads and ways from one place to the other. I am personally a road trip fan. I love sleeping on the bus, waking up in a different city every morning and sharing that with a group of great people. Plus I’m a little bit scared of planes hehehe. Ironic for what my type of job demands. (just a clarification I haven’t played at CTM).

And what have you got lined up this year to look forward to?

I will be presenting my new album TRUST and a new show by the same name. I planned something very special with set design for the first time that I’m very excited to share. Working with amazing artists and colleagues for its creation.

I always want to give something more to the public with my shows. A special experience. Something inspiring that they can take home with them and that gives them some drive. Im always trying to make something different. I’m hoping this show will warm up some of the hearts in the audience.

In an ideal world (where we get to decide our future) where would you put yourself in 5 years' time?

Hopefully in a warmer country close to the beach drinking margaritas.


interview IZABEL ROSE


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