Suleika Muller
Dubai is an undeniably controversial city. It’s opulence and decadence is often shrowded with an air of mystery. For photographer Suleika Mueller, Dubai is a familiar place that she has seen change and evolve over the years. Eager to reconnect with her Muslim roots Suleika revisited Dubai in an effort to capture how the city has changed since her childhood.
Dubai has strict photography rules and after her mother caused a wedding to be shut down by the police over taking a few photos, Suleika was understandably nervous to return to Dubai for a photography project. She set out to shed light on the city of gold. What she ultimately found was that through all the mystique of luxurious Dubai are normal people with the same needs and struggles as the rest of us. Through these photographs Suleika highlights the everyday lives of the people who make up the city.
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