Ruby Jean Wilson

Ruby Jean Wilson

So far, which is your favourite city?
Edinburgh, where I was born. It is such a beautiful place with such a rich history and the only place that has felt like home to me. I love it so much.

Packing for Pareeee

A post shared by Ruby Jean Wilson (@rubyjean_wilson) on

Would you go back to West Yorkshire?
Yes, to visit my family!


A post shared by Ruby Jean Wilson (@rubyjean_wilson) on

Did you always want to become a model?
No I had never planned to be a model but had always loved clothes and fashion and dressing up, I had never thought that I could be.

I know a girl called Johnny

A post shared by Ruby Jean Wilson (@rubyjean_wilson) on

When did you become a vegan? Why?
Sometime early last year I properly began to make the effort and go vegan. I can't justify putting my desire for a particular flavour above an animals life. Eating animals and their by-products contributes to extreme cruelty that I don't want to be a part of. It's better for my health (skin, hair, appearance In general too!) not to mention the environment. I truly believe it's the way forward and love how fast the movement is growing.

How do you plan to get more involved in animal rights?
I've just been trying to make connections and friends within the vegan movement and as a model I'm always looking to collaborate more with cruelty-free brands and companies. I'm involved with the Sydney vegan club when I'm in Sydney. (Please contact me for potential collaborations or just to connect!)

What are your tips on thrift shopping?
Go to the junky-cheap places! Rather than curated expensive shops. Some of the best things I've found came from the bottom of piles at car boot sales and markets. Sometimes you have to dig for treasure. (Years of practice have given me a trained eye!) Haha

What is the best part about fashion?
It's ability to transform you into a character you'd like to play- I love using fashion to reference periods in time. It's like everyday fancy dress! It's fun to explore.

Pink ladies

A post shared by Ruby Jean Wilson (@rubyjean_wilson) on

What is the worst part about fashion?
I really believe that money can't buy style and think it's a shame to buy something for the brand name alone. I love designer clothing and can recognise it's value, especially designer vintage. But I think it's much more interesting to explore your style in other ways than just following a brand's aesthetic for the sake of a logo.

Off2 london 🍬

A post shared by Ruby Jean Wilson (@rubyjean_wilson) on

Images courtesy of Ruby Jean Wilson



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