Esteban Diacono

Esteban Diacono

Esteban Diacono is a Motion Design Magician. His videos are delightful and entertaining with sound bites that go 'clink clink' or 'swoosh swoosh'. Go to his gram, pick a video, turn up the volume and press play. Enjoy and You're Welcome.

How did you get into motion graphics in the first place? Did it take a lot of schooling and training to get this good?
I got into motion graphics basically by accident. Originally, my idea was to become a "regular" graphic designer and do logos, layout, branding, etc. However, it didn't took me too long to realize that A) I wasn't very good at it and B) I was more interested in programs like 3D Max, that at the moment were pretty rudimentary. I'm a Design dropout; I studied only for about a year and a half for a number of reasons, like family issues (my father had died recently) and $$$. Anyway, I got my mother to loan me some money that I used to buy my first PC, and from that moment on, I never stopped messing around with things, trying every day to learn something new. This was like 20 years ago, but don't let that fool you, I still suck at a lot of things.

“I still dress like the oldest teenager in the world, but I’m fascinated by the concept of high fashion, where the mundane meets art and glamour.”

/Slide/ #maxonc4d #3dmotiongraphics #c4d #cgi #houdini #9gag

A post shared by Esteban Diacono (@_estebandiacono) on

Do you draw or paint on paper ever or are you strictly a computer person? Are you a doodler? Like when you talk on the phone do you scribble scrabble on paper?
I'm not very good at drawing, but I'm a big fan of doodling. I have a collection of notebooks half filled with things that i cannot decipher these days. I guess they made sense at some point. When I talk on the phone these days I trust more on my dear Evernote, or if I have to take quick notes or draw to help me understand/remember things, I use my iPad with the wonderful Pencil.

I love the noises and audio you include with your graphics! From where do you source these?
Oh, those are just basic libraries that I buy or source from the web. I usually call them the ClinkClinks or the SwooshSwoosh. I have no patience for audio editing. I mean, it's fascinating and of course, it adds an extra dimension to any work, but since my libraries are so reduced I end up using always the same sounds, which bores me to death. When I use songs is more enjoyable, at least until the copyright algorithms take the animations down due to copyright.

I noticed a nod to the fashion world on your reel. I would love to see a runway show with designs from a contemporary fashion house.....maybe the models could spontaneously combust on the catwalk. Do you have any interest in collaborating with major fashion labels?  
I would LOVE that. I really like everything fashion. I mean, I still dress like the oldest teenager in the world, but I'm fascinated by the concept of high fashion, where the mundane meets art and glamour. I would love to collaborate with a brand (big or small) and take this to a new level. 

Have you found a place for yourself in the commercial world? Who would be your dream client?
I guess I'm on it. It's difficult, because there's so many brands doing amazing things out there, and I would like to collaborate with all of them. Not just because usually brands = $$$ (we all have to live somehow) but mostly because I like the to reinterpret someone else's vision through my own. I recently finished a small collaboration with Herschel Supply, and it was fun and challenging for both sides. For me it was interesting to add some humor and chaos to the Herschel world, which is a bit more on the indie side of things, and for them it was interesting to open up a little and let other person's vision find a way into their ecosystem. Pretty interesting.

“I’m not very good at drawing, but I’m a big fan of doodling.”

/kite/ #animation #c4d #maxon #adobe #houdini #octane

A post shared by Esteban Diacono (@_estebandiacono) on

Do you set parameters for yourself as an artist? Guidelines I mean......or do you have more of a "throw caution to the wind" approach?
First, I don't really consider myself an artist. I'm really comfortable with the "Motion Designer" thing and I don't need more than that to feel a little special. Besides that, I don't have any guidelines. I try to do what interests me at the moment without worrying to much about anything else. This is a never ending path of joy, curiosity and learning, and as long as I can respect those words, and feel comfortable with what I'm doing, I'm great.

Who is this guy below? is he based on a real human being? How do you get the skin to look so lifelike?
I have no idea who those people are. Those are 3D scan models that I've bought or that the company has loaned to me to play with. It's like stock photography; the same way you have "young people looking busy and techie in designer's office" you have "naked people that had no idea what he signed for" that are being used and abused by myself and some colleagues. They look realistic because they're real people, 3D scanned and transformed into polygons and pixels ready to be distorted.

Do you have a song that is stuck in your head at the moment?  
Sure. New York, from St. Vincent. I've loved her music for years, and when the new album came out I became addicted to it. I'm basically singing and humming those songs all day, to much annoyance of other people.

It looks like you've traveled quite a bit based on your Instagram feed - do you have a favorite place? I'm based in San Francisco - what did you think of your visit here?  
I've been lucky enough to see some really amazing places. Difficult to name a favorite, but here's a few:

Italy: Last year I went there for a month, visiting Rome, Firenze, Milano and the Amalfi Coast. Probably some of the most beautiful places in the world, along with the best food and of course, a ton of "Aperitivo",
Berlin: Such a vibrant city. So full of art and history. Also, incredibly fun. Grabbing a bike and cycle around Berlin is one of my favorite things to do.
Hong Kong: Been there only once and just for a couple days, but MUCH impressed. Everything is massive and modern and crazy but at the same time, super enjoyable and accessible. I'm dying to go again.
Singapore: Probably one of the most surprising places I've been. It's so modern and clean and... clean! The diversity, and ambition of the city just amazes me. Not a fan of the weather, but Chicken Rice would make any trip worth it.
San Francisco: Of course, I loved it. I really liked the spirit of the city, how it celebrates all things. I stayed near Dolores Park, and really enjoyed the Latino roots and the flavors. Also, while walking around Fisherman's Wharf, I saw a GIANT billboard of The Room, the movie from Tommy Wiseau. How could you not love a place like SF.

Where would you go next if someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world?
Japan or Iceland. At some point in my life I had tickets to visit both places, and for different reasons I had to cancel the trips. Besides both being places that makes my imagination go crazy, after those cancellations it's kind of a personal debt that I have to myself. I'll get there. Soon.


Videos courtesy of ESTEBAN DIACONO


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