Martin Bruce

Martin Bruce

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MS paint whiz kid, Martin Bruce, makes really interesting work. His digital art brings the viewer into a magical world filled with tidbits of imagery that are surprising and scenarios that are fantastical. Find out how he does it!

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Where do you live and how old are you?
At the moment I live in Santiago, Chile near the national soccer stadium. I´m 30 years old.

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Your digital works are my favorite. Can you tell us about this process? You use MS Paint right? 
Thank you. It was during my formative years that I began doing digital artwork with MS Paint. I really wanted to mess around with the computer and create digital collages. I loved the aesthetic of the results, so I started to use it a lot. This simple program allows me to have fun. The source of images was my old stored files of photos and also the Internet.

I didn’t know how to use Photoshop in a proper way as it was so complicated for me at that time…using different layers and stuff. So at the beginning, a simple program was enough for me to create unexpected imagery. After this digital process, I realized that I could also start an investigation of painting on canvas.

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un supersticioso

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Who's pool is this?

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It’s a very old photo from my auntie´s pool. I took that picture in the summer of 2010. I did it without too much thinking about the final result. It took me like four seconds on MS Paint. It was an instinctive reaction. I selected a piece of water with the "free-form selection" tool and then dragged off really fast to cut it in a half again, like clay.

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Pick one: Dragons or Puppies?

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If you were a cartoon character who would you be?
Maggie Simpson! I would love to wear the star form pajamas every night. Also she never speaks, only participating in the events around with subtle gestures and facial expressions.

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Images courtesy of MARTIN BRUCE 


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