Alfie White

Alfie White


With a camera sitting in most of our pockets at all times, ready to document occasions of varying degrees of mundanity, the photographer’s watchful eye becomes almost an additional bonus to the photographic process – we are all photographers in one way or another, the more talented among us only at the end of an all-inclusive spectrum. However, when standing face to face with Alfie White’s prints, the true power of the photograph is made all-too clear: perfectly composed images expressed delicately in Alfie’s hand prints revive the power of the “decisive moment.”



Those who do not value photography as a deeply artistic medium evidently know little about the fickleness of the printing process. While having a good eye and strong sense of composition is imperative for any photographer, it is only one part of the true artist’s process; the second half is the printing of the image, which can prove as distinctive and difficult as the picture itself. To this end, some of the great photographers have left their mark on the medium for also being great printers; it is difficult to imagine the legacy of Peter Hujar or William Eggleston without thinking of their inimitable printing styles, executing each print with a specificity and delicacy of hue. Hence, Alfie White’s prints add an additional dimension to his work, creating a crucial part of what makes his images so identifiable.



Printing from a makeshift darkroom in his own bedroom, White’s prints are notable for their brash, blown out whites and pitch blacks, creating a gripping contrast that hums with energy. While a lesser photographer might think this contrast an error – often, excellence in printing is defined by the range of colors in a given photograph – White is open about his intended aesthetic, noting that his images of South London often have a grit to them, one he tries to emulate in the final product. White knows well that perfection differs depending on the context, creating a coherence between picture and print is part of what makes his work so special.



To add to all of this, White is still remarkably young, only 21. Over time, there’s no telling how far he may go in his exploration of his craft, and what the final results of that exploration may be. Knowing the sense and skill White already possesses, it is far from impossible to think of him developing into a paragon of the medium. Of course, only time will tell – and until then, Alfie White will keep taking photographs.




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