Sophie Fontanel

Sophie Fontanel

Which of your books is your favourite and why?
The art of sleeping alone. The success of the book took me by surprise. The New York Times talked about it on its front page, I was indecently proud ! This book is about a woman who gives up sex, because she is too disappointed. And she discovers she happier without any sex in her life. She dreams, she enjoys life and it lasts ... 12 years. I am proud because, when the book was first published, people treated me as if I was an isolated case. But then my novel took the third place in the best seller list! My isolated case was not that isolated!

How would you describe your style?
First of all, I have one. And you know what: to get one, you have desire it. I give importance to style since the childhood. My style is a mix of very feminine things, perfume, A skirt (length knew), silk blouses, and something totally boyish, big pants, sneakers. It's all based on ease and softness. I like colors, pastels one, baby blue, baby pink, baby green, lavender, amber.. and also true red, yellow, it reminds me of the old Hollywood, the Technicolor. I mix vintage pieces (5€) with expensive stuff (usually Céline or Margiela).

Who is your style icon?
I like Sofia Coppola, for she is simple and like a heir of an old elegance. I like Chloe Sévigny, for she dares a lot of modern thing while keeping à out-of-time mood. I like Leaf Greener, for she is free. And I like a lot Camille Bidault Waddington, for she is always so bloody sexy, even wearing Margiela's Tabi shoes !

Why did you choose to show your outfits on Instagram?
I used to work at ELLE magazine. It ended up that I was the fashion director of the magazine. And everything was so heavy and complicated. Everything costed a lot. A shooting. A travel. So I started to wear the clothes myself and to take pictures. And people liked it. I did not do it like a doll. I took funny poses and wrote a lot on Instagram about the reasons why I wear this or this... I embody fashion stuff, we need this ! When people notice something on me, they see easily that it is wearable. And suddenly it turns sold out !

Viendé la pluie ! It means : raincoat dance. #acnestudios raincoat

A post shared by SophieFontanel (@sophiefontanel) on

What is the biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of social media?
Advantage are big. You do know need any "go between". You show your work and you can "couch" someone like "Carine Roitfeld". Another advantage: you invent your own rules. You do not have a boss blocking your talent! And it is also a great way to erase frontiers. Disadvantages? I avoided all the addictions in my life. But Instagram is a drug...


Images courtesy of Sophie Fontanel



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