Rebeca Diaz Larrain

Rebeca Diaz Larrain

Obsessed with anything Spanish related, Rebeca Diaz Larrain expresses her admiration for the Spanish lifestyle and culture, fully exploring and delving into the food, music and people.

soy besos besos besos

A photo posted by mis besos son especiales 🍈 (@besosderebeka) on

What do you do for a living?
Nothing really, I study and take sad siestas.


A photo posted by mis besos son especiales 🍈 (@besosderebeka) on

Where do you want to travel in the world?
Lately I am obsessed with visiting every nook and cranny of Spain, I grew up hating everything about the Spanish culture and now I just want to bathe in tortilla de patata and wine. When my Spanish self-assertion period (jaja) finishes I may be obsessed with visiting other countries, but not for now.

Who is your favourite band?
Jeanette, she is as sweet as my besos would like to feel.

y tripita de regla

A photo posted by mis besos son especiales 🍈 (@besosderebeka) on

What is your fashion regret?
omg what a great question, maybe my purple hair.

What is the one item you always carry in your handbag? 
I'm too chaotic and messy to always carry something in my handbag, but I'd say my lipstick.

What is your favourite TV show?
I have no idea.

en casa de delfi

A photo posted by mis besos son especiales 🍈 (@besosderebeka) on

Who inspires you?
All the women I know and don’t know. My friends, Paula Colmenares @pauleonaca, Luz Fernández @luzdelalunita and Victoria Martin and Virginia Martin @leonidasmartin. And internet goddess I would say Liana Fink @lianafink, the queen of accepting vulnerability, my guardian angel, and Lowena @lo.emp4thy, a ghost that glows in the dark. Oh Allison Schulnik, her last film “Eager” ❤️


Interview Kardelen Yuce

Images courtesy of Rebeca Diaz Larrain


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