


Writing and producing his music since 2018, mori creates a dream scape of melodies and lyrics. Influenced by Argentinian music, bedroom pop and his parents eclectic music collection growing up. He is currently working on releasing two EPs and using his time in isolation to make music with his girlfriend. 


Tell us a bit about your background and how you got into music?

I have always loved music. I believe I was lucky because my parents had very good taste in music and so I grew up listening to trip hop and sonic youth. for my 8th birthday I got an iPod and I would never go anywhere without it. that same year I started studying piano at the local conservatory but would never go on to finish and dropped out 6 years later. 
time went by and I never really played the piano after that. I started listening to bedroom pop artists like Clairo, Cuco, Temporex or Bakar and thought that if they could make cute music in their room, I could too. so in 2018 I started learning and figuring out how the fuck i could make music. And I still am.


How are you dealing with your time in isolation? Do you feel creatively motivated or

Isolation has been alright for me so far, honestly. I’m kinda used to being inside and not going outside so it hasn’t been that hard. My girlfriend is in isolation with me and we’re trying to make music together so I really couldn’t ask for anything else. 
I do miss the sun actually. My house only gets like 3 hours of sunlight and it’s always very early in the morning so I end up missing it. It’s sort of sad.


Has it been a natural transgression to write lyrics in Spanish and English?

I actually started writing solely in English because Spanish sounded too cheesy for me. Also I figured I could fake whichever accent fitted with the song in english but couldn’t do that with Spanish because it sounded weird. I started getting into Argentinian musicians like Spinetta, Charly García or Simon Poxyran and instantly fell in love with their way of writing and sensitivity. It’s strange because even though we all speak the same language, they use it in a completely different way which allows them to say things I could never think of.
I have since used Spanish too and am trying to get better at it. for my songs i choose whatever I think sounds more fitting and that’s why I usually mix them up.

Tell us more about your new single ‘don’t spill it’. 

It was the first time I ever recorded something at a studio, and not in my room so I was gassed. I had some loops that I made the day before going there and we worked on them. It was a very fun experience and I learnt a lot from it.
The song is called ‘don’t spill it’ because the story is of the milkmaid and her pail. Wouldn’t wanna get caught up in the thought of what may happen in the future and just focus on enjoying right now.


Which genres of music / artists have influenced your sound?

I think my sound has a lot to do with what I grew up listening to. I would say The XX, Arctic Monkeys and Sigur Ros were the bands that I have listened to the most since I was a child, but I would say the artist who’s influenced me the most has been Bakar. ‘Big Dreams’ popped out in my recommended when it was the only song up on his spotify. i went onto his soundcloud and I instantly fell in love. I have loved every track he’s put out since. Lately I’ve been getting into Daniel Johnston and Corbin’s unreleased songs and I am having the time of my life. ‘listen to misery demo’.


Are you working on any upcoming creative projects?
I am currently working on 2 ep’s. One is a personal project and the other is produced and released by skyhook who has always been my favorite Spanish producer and I’m very excited to release it.
I think of mori not only as a music outlet but also as a set of aesthetics that I’m into and they way in which I perceive and express them. I would love for it to be me the one who shapes what mori ends up being in the future. Everything from directing my own videos to making my own clothes. I think it is the coolest thing in the world to be able to even start thinking about these things. But anyway, who knows what will come? i don’t wanna spill it.


courtesy MORI 




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