Meth Math

Meth Math


A trio from Hermosillo, Mexico, who first met at the set of a horror film, Meth Math’s Ángel Ballesteros alongside collaborators Efrén (Error.Error) and Robles (Bonsai Babies) have spun up an evolved sound since the events of the global pandemic. Fit within the same “electronic Latin satanic ambient pop” criterion, “Tambaleo” shows a comparingly tranquil effervescence which uniquely merges 80’s Italo Hi N-RG and Reggaeton knack of compelling you to dance.

A projected orb of energy flows down Ángel’s body while bolting through darkness in the final scene of the music video, as to allegorically proclaim the regaining of power and self-authority. Perhaps the cover describes the single best; ready to bounce back with new vigor, a deep spiritual renaissance emerges for Meth Math as recent events challenge all of us through physical restraints. Remotely developing the track, only through isolation did the track arrive at an unfrequented area of exploration as the trio’s distant encounters with Sega Bodega had ultimately led to the spawn of “Tambaleo”.


words HENRI P


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