Matthew Byers

Matthew Byers


Artist Matthew Byers takes found imagery and transforms it to create work in his own style. Using painting as his medium, Matthew’s art puts a scary spin on some classic paintings and images such as ‘The Kiss’ by Klimt or Kim Kardashians champagne bottle shoot that broke the internet. Matthew enjoys creating these masterpieces in admiration for a collection of his favourite pop icons and friends. His work is created to be funny, and he says himself that his favoured response is when people say, “I can't help but laugh when I see your work”. Carry on reading to hear more from Matthew during his chat with Coeval.



Firstly, can you tell us how you got into the world of art?
I have always valued design, especially when you know the backstory/artist behind the work. However, being a full-time landscape designer, I don’t consider myself qualified to be “in the world of art” but give it three years.




You have a unique style that puts a twist on ‘found’ imagery, what influenced you to create work in this way?

Thank you btw. I wanted to portray the concept of duality and my admiration for various pop icons/friends. Through various relationships and friendships, I’ve learned that most people, including myself, have many faces.


From a technical perspective you use painting to create your pieces, how have you developed your methods as a painter over the course of your artistic career so far?
Haha a very short one at that. I used to do these ‘scrape’ paintings by using a pallet knife, but soon realised that it was too easy and too many people were doing it. However, just practicing, trying new things all the time and just around half a year of painting. So, I still have a lot to learn but that’s half the fun, surprising yourself.


Do you or if not, would you work with any other mediums aside from painting?

Absolutely. I have a lot of interests, but not sure what you would consider a medium. I recently began learning piano, I have been skateboarding all my life, enjoy card counting/blackjack, trying to get better with spray paint, and consider myself a decent dancer. I would love to get into the world of film and surfing in the next ten years.




What sort of responses do you receive about your work?
I’ve heard a lot of responses, some positive, some negative. Try not to pay attention to either too much. Obviously, I love when people feel understood through my work but one of my favourites has been simply “I can't help but laugh when I see your work”.




Who and what inspires you the most?
I hate this, but my ex-girlfriend/best friend; we had a falling out and I still don't know why. Painting is the only time I don’t think about her. 


Out of all the pieces you have made, which one stands out to you and why?
Hard to say, probably the Kim piece. Just such a staple in my portfolio. Cliche, but I consider each one a little part of me.


What are you currently working on which we can expect to see from you soon?

I have a couple pieces that I'm not sure if I'll finish, I just think that they look good as is. It’s tough, I have to work quickly or I’ll lose interest in one piece and want to jump to the next. I have a lot of concepts I want to do so it's tough to choose what goes first, but you will see very soon.


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