Let's Smile At Strangers
Alva Galim is the behind @letssmileatstrangers (hot Instagram handle and Paris based creative agency). She has a distinct aesthetic and asks big questions like, “what are we doing in this world?!”. Learn more here about her, her feed and her work.
What is your real name and where do you live?
My name is Alva Galim and I live in Paris.
Do you have a day job? Do you have a night job?
I produce fashion editorials for brands and magazines where I take care of everything from the styling and art direction to the photography. At the moment I’m developing an agency linked to Let’s Smile At Strangers where I propose the whole production to my clients. This would include creative consulting, developing aesthetics and productions, social media guiding and connecting brands, magazines and artists. The purpose is to follow the aesthetic of my Instagram to create unique and different content. My night job is to do research for work or for fun.
Do you smile at strangers? Do they smile back?
I do sometimes…tho in Paris they don’t usually smile back!
What kind of phone do you have?
Iphone 7 plus.
If you had to start fresh with a new account, what would your new handle be?
I would love to do an account where I and other people can share links and videos about the purpose of life, other dimensions, quantum physics, science, aliens, government conspiracy…how to connect with our minds and the universe to try to understand what are we doing in this world. At this moment that is what it interests me the most.
Images courtesy of ALVA GALIM
interview ASHLEY MUNNS
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