Lena C Emery

Lena C Emery

German born photographer Lena C. Emery grew up in Singapore and studied Fine Arts at Parsons Paris School of Art & Design before relocating to Berlin to work as an independent graphic designer. 

Emery only gradually embarked on a career in photography after moving to London in 2012. Her itinerant upbringing is strongly reflected in her work, while her unique rendering of color and sensitivity to themes ranging from modernist architecture to the way we see and observe the female, have earned her early recognition. 

Since starting out, her work has been published in books by GESTALTEN, The New York Times, WSJ. Magazine, i-D, Interview, POP, AnOther, Zeit Magazin and The Gentlewoman. Her advertising clients include Helmut Lang, Dior, Stella McCartney, COS and Victoria Beckham amongst others. Emery was nominated for the FOAM Paul Huf award this year and is currently working on her first book. 

Images courtesy of  Lena C Emery


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