Jeff Mahannah

Jeff Mahannah


Who is Jeff Mahannah? As an artist and as an individual? 
Jeff Mahannah is a sweet kind beautiful person who drinks pop sometimes and likes football. 

Often debated, do you think art and artist can/should be separated? 
Art and artist should never be separated because they would miss each other too much. They should hold each other tight and never let go. Also, they should whisper nice things in each other’s ears while in public and hold hands. 


Certain people must have visceral reactions to your artwork, how do you react to those who don’t understand the message behind your art? 
My art is not for everyone and I totally understand if some people don’t get/like it. A lot of the shit I like I don’t expect everyone to like. The last thing I want to have to do is explain art to somebody. 

Has censorship ever been an issue when in the process of publishing your art? Do you worry about some of your more controversial pieces being “too much” for the mainstream audience? 
Instagram is my main outlet right now and it is a bummer to get some things taken down. It's more fun when the thought of "oh shit I hope this doesn't get taken down right away" doesn't enter your brain, especially when you spend a lot of time on something. I'm hoping to get the deleted comics published in a book or something so people can still see them.

Your work is almost always colorful and grasping, what would you say inspired this style of art? 
Like most artists, I rip off other artists that I like...Simpsons, Johnny Ryan, Ren and Stimpy, Kellogg’s cereal, everybody loves Raymond, the general, Benjamin Marra, Mike Judge, Matt many more. Also, coloring and listening to music is my favorite thing to do.


Your art seems to shine a light on the irony of life, what inspires you when creating these scenarios? Do you write down ideas as they come to you? 
I do a lot of doodling during classes and work. Usually, my ideas come out of doodles. Sometimes I let ideas wander around in my head for a few weeks till they're good enough. If I forget them, they aren't good enough. Mostly I just try to make myself laugh!


The attention to detail is definitely present in your work, how long does it usually take to complete a concept from start to finish?  
Most of the Instagram comics can be done in 2 or 3 days. When it's a really good one I won't stop until it's done.


What is the outlook you hold on the society we belong to? Do you see it optimistically or pessimistically?   
I am for the most part a very positive optimistic person. I try to keep focused on my own shit for the most part. There are people fucking up around me all the time. There's always someone who wants to throw a chair at me and keep me down. People always shit on the floor next to me and expect me to clean it up. I'm ok at cleaning up shit, but I'd rather listen to Sheryl crow and color pictures.




interview CHLOE CHENG


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