Harry Freegard

Harry Freegard

Thankyou for your hospitality @rebekahbide #homeless #vivamexico #homelesstransyouth #brexit #gayface

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What’s been on your mind these days?
Majorly, the general election and the massive amounts of political fuckery going on in England at the moment. Minorly, catching a spider on my toothbrush—if only I could crush Theresa May the same way I crushed the spider.

I guess everyone is swimming in the same shit.
It’s hard to chose from the Laundry list of reasons why the Tories are shite, between the Billion Pound deal with the D.U.P and the steady murder of 90 disabled people a month through benefit cuts, I'm spoilt for choice.

4bidden fruit

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You reference pop icons—i.e. Carrie Bradshaw, Wolfgang Tillmans—within your instagram feed. I’m not sure it’s even a matter of sarcasm, even though I find some or many comical. Somehow there’s always an existential threat, too. What motives you to do the things you do?
When posed this question, my first thought was to reply with a très classique Carrie Bradshaw: "I had to wonder..." style statement, (I'm even scrolling through a list of all of Carries "I had to wonder" monologues to see if any suit) which i think rather aptly illustrates that I'm very serious about being very sarcastic.


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I'm not as beautiful nor as glamorous as Carrie so when I slap a Bradshaw quote on a picture of myself, it’s just my own particular strain of British self deprecating humour I suppose! It's not all about Carrie, I just like to laugh and think I'm far funnier than I am to have the audacity to post these things online with a level of unwarranted confidence! Although I must say being shot by Wolfgang for Man About Town really validated my specific brand of bullshit! 

In what way did it validate your brand? And how did this shoot come about?
Being shot by Wolfgang to be featured as a cover story on a magazine like Man About Town aligned me and what I do with a select set of people and ideals, lauding the underground uncelebrated as culturally important. I’ve got Ben Reardon to thank for that.

When pcdv calls, you answer

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Have you always had this particular kind of humor, taking yourself as the subject?
Always, it’s a great vetting tool. If you laugh at me being a horrible cunt about myself then, you'll laugh at me being a horrible cunt about you too. Now we’re friends, Ta Da!

Au naturale xx

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A gay

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Images courtesy of Harry Freegard

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