Charlie Osborne

Charlie Osborne

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Charlie was born in Cardiff, grew up in Bristol and has lived in London for the past year where she just completed her foundation year at CSM. Not just a student and photographer, she is an artist through and through: a writer, singer, directer. Scroll down to learn more about her, see her photos and listen to her song.

Happy days

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What is your full name? Do you have any pet names or nicknames?
No nicknames but friends call me Char.


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You do a lot of creative things. Is it in your genes? 
I wouldn't say my strengths have ever been in academic areas. At school I got 4 Fs and 3 A’s during GCSE’s. The Fs were in maths and science and the A’s in Art, etc. I have a family filled with creative people and they are who have made me believe I can make a career out of it. (Fingers crossed anyway!) 

Produced by Reuben Robinson

I love your song When Pigs Fly. How would you describe your sound to someone who hasn't heard it yet?
“When pigs fly” was a track made for a project that looks at how an identity can be copied and manufactured, then essentially sold.  The track went along side a sculptural piece and the inspiration came from a photograph of a woman I met and her tattoo of a flying pig which said " when pigs fly “. I combined some of my spoken wordy stuff and created some lyrics, I wanted my voice to not be recognized as my own. My good friend Reuben Robinson helped me produce and make it so I can't take full credit. An influence behind it was Yolandi from Die Antwoord. The song can be found on Soundcloud here: WHEN PIGS FLY 

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You are studying fine art at CSM right? Does this mean you are a good writer? What have you learned in school?
I recently finished my Foundation course at CSM in Fine Art. It was a very quick year and they threw us straight into making stuff at a quick pace. It mainly taught me that if you think of an idea, just do it and don't dwell on anything…if more than a week passes, it's probably not something worth doing.

East st art project

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Current mood

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How many freckles do you have? Do you wear sunblock? What color would you call your hair?
If I counted my freckles I'd be here all day! I also take a lot of pride in saying I don't burn as easily as this question implies, thank you very much! ;). And my hair is ginger! 

Mary. Aged 90

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What is the last thing you took a picture of and where?
The last picture I took on my phone was an over flowing, about to explode with piss, toilet at work. Lavly. 

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Who are your favorite artists, musicians, photographers?
Harmony Korine, Mika Rottenberg and Wiki.

People of East St 📷

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