Ashish AW18
Season after season, the Delhi-born designer provides us with an injection of joy via his bold collections and playful statements, commenting on socio-political issues via the medium of clothing. With his individuality and vision, he conveys that London thing: its youthful spirit, its multicultural realm and the struggles that come with it. His casting choices are non-conformist, refreshing and embodying the spirit of the brand fully. Long standing collaboration with stylist Anna Trevelyan provides consistency in creativity of the duo.
There's a lot that can be read from the clothing itself when it comes to references and messages. Aside from the pure visual and textual pleasure of Ashish's silhouettes choices, sequins overload, intricate embroidery and full on shine, there are ironic logo remakes and slogans such as American Excess and Masturbate. Bollywood mixes with the swinging 60s as the models walk down the Indian carpets to the sound of Hindi version of ABBA hits. Eclecticism is what Ashish is a master of. All the heavy glamour is kept real, however, with some plastic shopping bags as accessories.
photography/words KALINA PULIT
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