Annabel Liddell

Annabel Liddell

lol literally πŸ”₯#burnup

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Tenacious and fierce profoundly describe the no-nonsense feminist. Annabel is the woman in music, who acknowledges the struggles of being female in her field and transforms them into art.


How would your friends describe you?
Passionate and a touch insane.

What weekends are for

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Which fashion idol do you wish to meet?
ChloΓ« Sevigny

Sore ear πŸ€•

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What language would you like to speak?

Defo shoulda bn Drew from Scream for Halloween

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Tell us something no one knows about you?
I was choir leader for 2 years in high school.

tfw u morph into ur friends πŸ‘€β£

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What is your worst fear?
Dying with regrets.

Stuntin so hard

A photo posted by BABYBEL πŸ‘‹πŸ½ (@annabelliddell) on

What is the most mesmerising movie you ever watched?
This is a hard question.. Probably Eraserhead. But the first time I saw Lost In Translation (age 14) I felt very mesmerised too.

Who motivates you?
My inner critic and my mother forever and ever.


Interview by Kardelen Yuce


Images courtesy of Annabel Liddell


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