Aliens Next Door

Aliens Next Door

Mexican artist and designer Antonio Armani Leon’s queer and Chicanx identity sits at the centre of their new collection. Designs take from a merge between the real problems of Chicanx people to fit in culturally and Sci-Fi elements consisting of classically alien features like green skin and cartoon-like proportions.

Chicanafuturism, a label proclaimed in the face of struggles to establish cultural and communal identities also became a core inspiration for these looks, adapting Mexican aesthetics while still withholding their own independent style. Chicanafuturist author Gloria Anzaldua references that, “Chicanx people often feel alienated from their mother culture, and alienated from their dominant culture.”

“This collection explores that story, one of an alien race that settles in a Southwestern planet and are just trying to fit in”. The garbs are mixed and matched with classically Mexican aesthetics like Moss Roses and the vibrancy of their traditional dress with an assortment of checkered fabrics and bandanas surveyed through a medley of daring silhouettes and layering. “They observe the world around them, and try their best to mimic their surroundings. How would this alien race create “human” garments? How would they style themselves? What would they utilize in their day to day life?”

‘Alien Next Doors’ contemplates this wearisome grappling with Chicanx identity through the lines between race, gender, time and societal bounds.


words HENRI P


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