A trip down Lijsterbesstraat

A trip down Lijsterbesstraat

total look  TIMSTO

total look TIMSTO

A Trip Down Lijsterbesstraat is an editorial collaboration that reflects on the experience of visibly queer and gender non-conforming individuals. With the story and photography by Miss Toto Rodgers this piece transforms the negative energy received from the general public in the streets of Hague, the Netherlands, into a joyous, campy photo story replete with positive vibes by reclaiming the streets and their visual identity. As a natural progression in this project, Toto decided to work with fashion design student, Tim Stolte, due to his focus on queerness and ‘arbeit’ wear in his creative practice. On their experience, Toto explains, “It can be a challenge to move within these spaces, but the idea is to give a loud and clear anti sound to the voice of the general public with this series: we're here and we're not going anywhere. We deserve to be here just as much as you do and we're going to look exactly the way we feel like.” 

total look TIMSTO

total look TIMSTO

total look TIMSTO earring STYLIST’S OWN

dress TIMSTO socks NIKE, heels STYLIST’S OWN.

total look TIMSTO

total look TIMSTO

socco NIKE, heels STYLIST’S OWN dress TIMSTO

socco NIKE, heels STYLIST’S OWN dress TIMSTO


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