During Design Week, DOPO? Space will host a total of 17 people. In exchange for free accommodation, each participant has proposed an artistic contribution: an activity aimed at the community of DOPO? or the Design Week audience. These activities will focus on generating moments of sharing, amazement, exchange, and pleasure, staging an experiment in temporary cohabitation.
@studiofludd presents "Pollypocketing": a creative workshop promoting a moment to restart from tight spaces and collectively confront values and priorities, stimulating imagination.
@thijme proposes "Teaparty": a playful and unusual tea ceremony with unique handmade teapots.
@gateless_gateway brings a performance that combines experimental music with animations and stop-motion videos.
@ludovicograntaliano proposes a collective card tournament, involving and immersing people in a unique gaming experience, bringing together strangers through an activity mostly relegated to childhood.
@matildequaranta leads a embroidery workshop to reflect on the role of work in a hyper-accelerated and ultra-capitalist society.
@__nymphx presents "Sleep Infusion": an inner exploration practice to become aware of one's authenticity, making it a tool for awareness, which in turn can generate empathy, a starting point for the regeneration of the society we belong to.
@tylerovgaia proposes a deep listening session: 45 minutes of music, including instruments like the gong and dyvia.
@princessziska suggests a collective performance inspired by "Application" by Vito Acconci (1970), where, with the help of his then-partner Kathy Dillon, he had his entire bust covered in kisses.
In the coming days, we'll share the complete public program.
More info here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5WBJb0MdLz/?img_index=3