Zoárd Heuzé
Casting director and photographer Zoárd visits Bushy park while he navigates through the unfamiliarity we all face during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a time where isolation can be suffocating both creatively and physically, young creatives like Zoárd are being forced to shift their attention to new and more challenging projects. His refreshing take on the effects of quarantine documents his transition from working with models to nature, capturing the animals’ movements in their natural habitat while the rest of the world is at a standstill.
Zoárd’s hazy, dreamlike perspective of the park highlights the surreal circumstances we’re facing, with his self portraits documenting his position amongst the now-untouched serenity of nature. His project takes a somewhat prophetic turn upon the movement series of the white deer, reminiscent of the Native American belief that the occurrence of a white animal indicates that a major shift in the world is to come. Zoárd’s singular presence amongst the influx of nature brings to light the fragility of both mankind and society whilst making light of this current climate - without the constant interference of humans we are able to extract the positives of isolation - that nature can thrive on its’ own.
Zoárd’s symbolism amongst his photographic series is elaborated through his movement series by which he’s transformed into a fluorescent figure - a mirage of something bright and beautiful emerging out of the darkness. His series serves as a positive message for every viewer, ruminating on the blossoming of nature during a time where human activity is limited. Simultaneously, his newfound creative angle demonstrates how he believes that, artistically, it’s a time to explore something new.
courtesy ZOÁRD HEUZÉ
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