Xiangyu Liu
This Chinese artist masters opulence and enchanted minimalism in creating eclectic characters and figures made out of light, digitalism and contemporary futurism.
How would you describe your work aesthetic?
It’s hard to describe in a specific term but I would say illusional? I follow my instinct whilst shooting. It’s almost an instant reflection to the subject I shoot.
Which is your alltime favourite picture - and why?
Technically I don’t have an all-time favorite picture - because I love them all, my taste varies at each different stage of my career.
How do you find inspiration these days?
My inspirations sometimes appear in my dreams, from the trips I took or even from video games.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite vegetable - and why?
White radish, my mum used to cook its soup for me all the time.
What is your mission- what is the message of your work?
My mission? - As a matter of fact I believe that our social system faces some serious problems. Humanity must have something greater to achieve, but we’re stuck in all different kinds of difficulties occurring in life, in our professions and in material or intellectual needs. I want to demonstrate a different world and what is inside of me.
Close your eyes and teleport yourself into 20 years from now. what will you be doing in the year 2040?
I dream to explore the deepest secrets of the universe, hopefully we’ll be moving foward and discover the culture of a higher dimension.
Back to the present: what are the changes you want to see in the industry you are working in right now?
I think a lot of change is happening at the moment. We as Asians are also part of the minority and vulnerable group in our industry. So with the movement of BLM, I hope all the people of color will get more recognition and opportunities in the future.
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