Urumi Kanzaky

Urumi Kanzaky


I’ve never heard one of her sets, but I can imagine that it is a good time! She seems like a fun loving person with just enough flair to bring the dancer in you all the way there.

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J’suis clairement Sam Gold ✨

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What is your birth name and what is your dj name?
My real name is Ashley-Cherylle but people call me Urumi, my real name is just, too long.

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La citΓ©

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What kind of music do you play? Are you a music snob?
I play hip hop, trap music, baile funk... but is because the music that I like is too weird to be played in the club, so I try to adapt. I don’t think I’m a music snob - I really like when people feel the music,  i always try to find a comprise.  When you are a dj, you have to be careful with that because people can just look at you like,”what the fuck are you doing?" and I really don't like that.


How long have you been a dj? Have you always had the same dj name?
I think 4 years now! I had a name before, Yamiko which means β€œchild of the dark side" or something like that. I changed 2 years ago, for an other Japanese name, Urumi - this name means a lot to me as it's from GTO, one of my favorite manga.

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Evanescence - Immortal

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Who would you most like to meet in this life?
If i had to choose one person, probably Nadia Lee Cohen. She's the new LaChapelle, but better.


What is your favorite fashion trend of the moment?
This days, i'm really obsessed with anything bootleg - I know it's bad but i really can't resist!

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Ewwwww πŸ¬πŸ¦‹

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