Tim Plamper

Tim Plamper

Der Raum der Worte ist nicht der Raum der Bilder 14

An exploration of physical experience and the limitations of text and images are characteristic for the work of Tim Plamper. In videos, photographs, installations and drawings Plamper works with visualized questions on human communication, on the physical experience of an image and the limits of our communication through text and the spoken word.

HK-MK, 21 mahogany poles, book, 230 x 500 x 20 cm, 2015 (detail)

In his work HK-MK Plamper translates the rhythmic text formation of the novel Michael Kohlhaas into an installation in mahogany wood, treating the question of the difference between textual and visual construction of reality.

HK-MK, 21 mahogany rods, book, 230 x 500 x 20 cm, 2015

When you are able to see something differently or in another light, your world can change, it can become something more.

Chiffren fuer zehn Dispositionen, digital print and pencil on paper, each 21 x 29,7 cm, 2015

Chiffren für zehn Dispositionen, digital print and pencil on paper, each 21 x 29,7 cm, 2015

Chiffren für zehn Dispositionen (detail), digital print and pencil on paper, each 21 x 29,7 cm, 2015

Der Raum der Worte ist nicht der Raum der Bilder 01

Körper und Gedächtnis#01, pencil on paper, each 59 x 42.5 cm, 2015

Körper und Gedächtnis#02, pencil on paper, each 59 x 42.5 cm, 2015

" Sometimes the ways in which we can describe our reality in words can feel almost like a cheap translation of the material, ideas or conceptions we can experience or access physically. The two communication systems, images and words or language, overlap but there will always be parts or interpretations that we cannot translate. "

Plamper lives and works in Berlin, Germany. See his recent works in the exhibition Der Raum der Worte ist nicht der Raum der Bilder at Wagner & Partner, Berlin, through August 31st, 2015. 


Text by Maria Björnsdotter

Courtesy of the Artist
Tim Plamper


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