Signe Ralkov
Signe, to ease into this brief interview somewhat organically, what’s been on your mind these days?
My mind has been a mess the last few weeks. With my birthday coming up, I am again face to face with adulthood. It’s troubling because my self image isn’t that of an adult, but I’m working on it! Full time.
How come the image of yourself doesn’t comply with adulthood?
I have not learnt to take proper care of myself. When I hit puberty I grew pubes but no sense of self care. But I am trying to take care of myself through the works I make. Atm I work on clay sculptures that portray bones. They are me and so I love them.
Your IG is often overly feminine, what is it that you want to express, consciously or subconsciously?
I think it makes sense to describe our cultural moment as overly, or even aggressively, feminine in that "femininity" is being used on so many levels to communicate desire and generate need by a multitude of commercial actors. You could say that while my early IG presence was concerned with learning this new language (and often this language spoke me - rather than the other way around) my current production is deeply concerned with subverting its codes and devalue them.
This notion of cuteness seems to ever-present within your work, especially also related to feminism. How come, and can you in personal terms define cute for me?
Cuteness isn’t “sweet” to me. The cuteness I know of has a destructive energy in it.
I agree. So you would refer to yourself as sweet rather than cute?
Images courtesy of Signe Ralkov
interview LARA KONRAD
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