Reyna Deyna

Reyna Deyna


XTRAXEYNA is the debut album of Lithuanian singer and rapper Reyna Deyna and can best be described as a mixture of her two tracks "Heavy" and "Xtra". With dark and dreamy lyrics, Reyna takes you on a dive between fantasy and reality. "Take off your mask" - she sings, suddenly sounding vulnerable herself. While the punchline of her next track "shine till it burns" creates exactly that strong, self-empowering mood you need walking home alone late at night.


Reyna is a resident of the Berlin art and music club Sameheads and member of the Cashmere Radio community Berlin. She works as sound designer, producer, singer and songwriter - besides being a gritty fashion icon, it's safe to say that she is 100 percent dedicated to music and sounds. After ten years of discovering and exploring music through DJ'ing and her studies in sound engineering and creative production, Renya mixed the finest art pop, emo and R&B with elements of trip-hop and soul and her debut project emerged like a butterfly from the mists - which in turn is a reference to one of Reyna's new tracks.

Go ahead and listen to "Mists and Butterflies".


Written and Performed by Reyna Deyna

Produced by Reyna Deyna and Genys

Mixed by Genys

Mastered by Steffen Dierolf

Cover created by Jelena 'Jelly' Luise

Title created by Monika Januleviciute

Hair designed by Reiya Yamaoka

Assisted by Mai Nestor

Generally advised by Gedvile Tamosiunaite




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