Patricia Rezai
With the culture of digital consumption at an all time high, nobody is a stranger to short poetic phrases posted to Instagram, or a few choice eloquent words in a bio to validate a selfie. Amidst this internet context, Patricia is an outlier, having created four published books to date, containing her works in sexy poetry. In her below interview, she discusses her thoughts on the role of poetry in the modern day and what the printed word means to her. Her work can be found online at
As a poet in 2019, do you consider your craft under-appreciated in the modern day?
I ́ve been writing for many years and as I continue to release poetry compilations throughout time, I feel the opposite. I feel as if people look up to it as a medium that is at the brink of extinction which creates a reaction of respect and admiration. We are definitely living an era that lacks physicality in all aspects, and I feel that it’s also influencing the way we canalize our emotions. Everything passes by us so quick, the information we process within ourselves visually and emotionally, which is why I feel that the initial reaction for someone who writes poetry is instantly one of nostalgia, an art that belonged to the past. But the truth is that poetry is an organ we live from and digest on a daily basis.
Your Instagram has a very old-world vibe. Do you consider the images you post to be a visual representation of your poetry?
Many psychic told me I’m an old soul, that this is not my first life here. I do believe that my instagram is very much aligned with my world. I have never changed the way I use Instagram. For me, it’s a visual diary, not a tool to sell myself. Stumbling across my account will give you the same impression as if you were walking into my house, a small glimpse towards my intimacy. My writing very much reflects what occurs in my mind. I’m a female voyeur and that is what I live for, constant fantasy and stimulation.
Who are your favourite poets?
I have several writers who have inspired me deeply such as Sappho, Rumi, Anais Nin, Virginia Woolf, Patti Smith, Sylvia Plath, Henry Miller, Paulo Coelho, EE Cummings and Garcia Marquez. They all hold such different values but the one they all share is the ability to heal with words and create inner consciousness.
What gave you the courage to write and publish your works in poetry?
In 2007 I began a blogspot called The Female Zoo and that was the first time I opened up with my work. From there I began to publish on a daily basis and slowly, I was approached by people asking me where they could buy my work. From there began my awareness that I had to make this real for someone to hold and to digest instead of scroll down and later forget. In 2010 I released my first book called Olympia, which was the first volume of a trilogy, and my last poetry compilation, ‘Submerged in a Garden of Lust’, was released last year. More than the courage, it was the beauty in creating an object which one can keep, read and use to dream.
Why do you feel it’s important to keep your work strictly on paper as published work and not for digital consumption?
There is something so romantic of being able to use all your senses when you’re about to read or see the work of an artist. It’s the closest form of contact you can have, creating a higher form of experience. Every little details counts, from the smell of the pages, which might trigger a memory, to the texture of the front cover and the power of holding something in your hands which can be yours forever.
Do you think Instagram posts with short poems or poetic phrases cheapen your craft? Why or why not?
I don’t think so. I personally really enjoy reading all those short poems. I find it a new technique in self help for those who are scared to open up or to confront problems. Any form of expression and release is necessary and admired. I feel like it helps the repressed, the sad, the heart broken and those who suffer to understand that they are not alone and that poetry is a pharmacy which from time to time, one needs to go to.
How do you see yourself growing as an artist moving forward?
I don’t really have a path. I just want to continue creating and releasing my poetry by using different mediums. Whatever happens, I’m sure the universe will provide.
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