Nomis Retuar

Nomis Retuar


Eyes, wood and probably thousands of sketches by now. Nomis is an expressionistic artist, carpenter and later medical student with an eye for eyes. He tells us about his Sunday morning nudes, inspirations and why he doesn’t set up rules.

I finished an apprenticeship as a carpenter and am now studying medicine.


For how long have you been painting?
Painting and especially drawing have always been a part of my life, it would calm me down and also as a kid I liked to make drawings for my family. 

Which mediums do you use? Is there any medium that doesn’t interest you?
My preferable medium to paint on is wood, I prefer it to canvas so much because it is so robust. I also do a lot of my paintings on paper. 

You draw very expressively, i can see some resemblance with Egon Schiele. Are you inspired by him or any other artists?
When I was little I appreciated the works of the expressionists like Klimt, Schiele, Kirchner a lot because they have principles in their way of doing art that are also very important to me. Instinctive decisions and for example drawing friends face to face or myself from the mirror. 

Your drawings often depicts men with very distinct eyes. What does eyes mean to you?Eyes are a striking instrument that express feelings in a very intriguing way but they are also very manipulating and can sometimes transfer wrong signals which is very interesting to me.

Do you have a creative process? How do you start off a piece? Do you paint every day or does it come in periods?
A day I don't paint is really really rare. Usually I'd say I make like 3-4 sketches a day but theres no rule sometimes its a lot more it depends on how much I have to understand in my life at the moment or if i found somebody very aesthetic to draw.

Do you have a creative process? How do you start off a piece? Do you paint every day or does it come in periods?
It's always different how i start off I don't want to make myself too many rules because Im a really chaotic person. so Ill most of the time start of with the most expressing part of a drawing like the hands or the lips.


How would you most likely spend a Sunday morning?
Smoking a lot probably and draw a self-portrait. Also, for drawing nudes of friends or studies Sunday is really good!


Which is the soundtrack to your life?
Eli - Faster You Fall.




photography MAŠA STANIC




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