Nicole Spearman

Nicole Spearman

How are you?

Un post condiviso da @nicolesadiee in data:

How do you feel about your recent fame on social media?
I feel as though it was aligned with my vibrations at the moment. It definitely came at the right time. Right before the fame, I was on the phone telling my girlfriend how I wanted to leave Instagram because I wasn’t getting any attention/exposure on the app before I clocked into work. When my shift ended, I looked onto my page and saw the recent picture I posted had 10,000 likes and that I had tagged pictures on famous Instagram pages. I was surprised and amazed. I feel like it was a sign from the universe telling me that I’m moving into the right direction. I really don’t consider the attention on Instagram “fame” yet as I’m still in the process of building my followers and gaining more attention.

A lot of your posts are motivational and about embracing yourself, is that something that’s important to you?
The embracement/motivation of oneself are very important to me and will always be. I grew up in a very hateful and toxic environment. I never felt beautiful enough in this environment. I always thought if I had a smaller nose/lips and higher cheek bones, I would finally be considered beautiful. I grew up and realized that I can define my own beauty standards and I did. I am a beautiful black woman and I try to get that message out to other young black girls who don’t grow up in the best environments.

I just got lost trying to find the convenience store in Perimeter Mall

Un post condiviso da @nicolesadiee in data:

What are you most excited about at the moment?
I’m most excited about getting my hands into new projects and connecting with people who have the same mindset as me. Before the attention on Instagram, I was told I was “too big” to ever fit the standards of a model. I am most excited about my future of working with people who don’t think that I’m “too big” or don’t have a certain look to be a model. I’m honestly excited about showing young girls that you are beautiful just the way you are and that anything is possible.

I had to go back and fix my left eyebrow :( But I got my little boo's nails done today 💐

Un post condiviso da @nicolesadiee in data:

What is your biggest goal in life?
My biggest goal in life is to always be thoughtful/mindful in EVERY thing that I do. Mastering this, I believe, could change my life. To always think of others in everything that you say or do could open many doors for you. Not thinking of others can have many doors slammed into your face and you could get your blessings taken away for just one, simple inconsiderate action. It’s something that I work on every single day. I am not perfect, I make mistakes. But I try to always think of others. I learned the hard way, in the past, that you can have your blessings taken away from you by being inconsiderate of others.


Un post condiviso da @nicolesadiee in data:

What is the last thing that made you laugh?
I honestly don’t remember. I am always so bubbly and giggly, I laugh at almost anything. My funny moment of the week was on Monday, I was watching Ice Age with my niece and nephew,

Hi everyone ❤️️

Un post condiviso da @nicolesadiee in data:

Images courtesy of NICOLE SPEARMAN


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