Minnie Bennett

Minnie Bennett

feeling #madmax thanks to @hollismithhead the best haircut of my life.

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How did you get into photography/ videography?
I grew up in an artist house, my mother was an art director who had worked alongside Bruce Weber her entire career. My father never spent a day without painting or drawing. So for me, I grew up understanding that if I like movies and TV, I should do it everyday. When I was 15 I got a job at Evergreen Video on Carmine street in the West Village, about a block away from my childhood home. At first this was a way to get out of the house and buy whatever I wanted without my parents consent, but soon the over exposure to everything classic, foreign and current taught me that movies and TV are truly where I want to live. I was hired because I was tall and could reach the VHS tapes, but now 13 years later, video is still my preffered medium. Photography came in when I started to really appreciate stills from videos.

u r wat u dyke

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Do you have a consistent process or does each project happen differently?
I have a very consistent process, but this changes depending on whoever I’m collaborating with. It’s a sensibility that comes from being an editor and working with women as much as I can.

wishin and hopin

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What advice would you give yourself when you were starting out?
To not second guess risk taking, it’s only directional.

hi i'm over here @titigrl @rikiricana

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What are you most excited about at the moment?
A few things-
Curb Your Enthusiasm

to Hill and back

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What is your favourite and least favourite thing about New York?
I can’t answer this. Or I feel lucky to be from New York, yet most everything I love is gone.


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Images courtesy of MINNIE BENNETT


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