Mika Hashimoto
Hashimoto remembers watching “Hotel Rwanda” as a student and remarks on the shock and horror she felt upon the realization that such horrible genocide took place only 24 years ago to the people of a country she now knows and loves so deeply.
““They are very very shy, lovely, and peaceful. There are no rip-offs; the people there have a strong sense of justice and there is no garbage in town! They, as a people and a recovering community, are strongly progressing, pushing forward together.””
Friends and acquaintances had highly recommended Rwanda as a destination and boy where they right to do so. Having traveled to Kenya and Uganda prior to her Rwanda visit, she thought she knew what was in store when headed their, but not so. Mika found it to be a different experience altogether, one worth capturing on film and sharing with the world. Vibrant colors and visceral expressions pepper this young Japanese traveler’s photo series as we join her on her trip to Rwanda!
Images courtesy of MIKA HASHIMOTO
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