Maurizio Anzeri
Born 8 April 1969, in Loano, Italy Maurizio Anzeri, an Italian contemporary artist living and working in London works in a variety of media including sculpture, photography, drawing and traditional craft techniques. But of all he is an artist who uses synthetic hair, yarns & threads to provoke thoughts and imaginations that takes to infinite multiple subjects with non being hundred percent accurate, to only take us into world of endless discoveries .
Maurizio, how was life growing up being an artist? How and when did you discover that art & design is where you belong.
I always loved MAKING, drawing and making have been part of my life for a long time. London has been a good school for me. The city, streets, different cultures, museums, clubs, theatre and all the different people I met during and after my MA in London.
Your work which is flowing through various mediums and spaces, I wonder of your relationship with materials, textures, forms and spaces. Would you please be able to describe how you work on concepualisations and assemblance of ideas and visions? How much of it is a pragmatic nudge and an intuitive navigation?
Very intuitive navigation, you look for materials and materials looks for you.I guess that as for everybody I do have some form of fixation or ‘obsessions’. It is clear from my body of work that I like threads. I use threads to draw and to make. Why this particular fixation? Could it be that as a kid, I have always seen fisherman, sailors using ropes, mending nets, sewing and repairing fishing nets. This form of making is now ingrained in my subconscious.
Your work has been exhibited and loved by many people. In the very beginning, starting with creating an illusion of 3 dimensionality on a 2 dimensional surface such as photos, until your very recent work CLOUD and THE GREAT VOID. All these following years with enumerous collaborations and exhibitions what did you discover about self as a creator, Any realisations you could share?
I never stop questioning my work and exploring new possibilities for it to grow. You can see this from my body of work that, key ideas and themes have evolved and branched out AND that is crucial fro me: I need to feel excited about what I do, always.
I remember the first time i saw your work, It was the september of 2018 in Milan, The first thing came to my mind was something around of a fashion illustration. Now, i know you didnt study fashion, however your relationship with italy subtles down the obvious associated curiosities. I wonder what is it that you must have found challenging when exploring on mediums, Especially the work that was exhibited in THE BOX MUSEUM with very different work than the previous one?
The solo show at The Box “On The Move” was a very exciting presentation of my practice from the last decade, alongside newly commissioned works. It’s the outcome of a three-year dialogue between the artist and The Box and stems from the venue’s continuous investigations into ideas of ‘making’; looking at how contemporary artists use different media, techniques and materials to reflect our society and shared histories. Works includes sculpture, photography, drawing and traditional craft techniques and the practice encompasses the human body, fashion, science and geopolitics.
How does it feel to create the work that you do?
It is exciting, problematic, wonderful ,exhausting, ecstatic, loud.
What role does music, books, poems , cinema etc plays for you?
They are all different faces of the same diamond, very important all of them for the diamond to shine like it deserves to. Music OPENS immense possibilities, I often think music is the perfect sculpture! To escape: Music and walk, for hours.
I wonder what all kind of ideas and imagination you must be having the pleasure of playing with. Anything youd like to share?
Often thinking of a solo show where everything is off the wall and off the floor, floating, slowly moving, constantly.
Last but not least, What are you excited about next?
Very excited about a collaboration with MAO museum in Turin, involving musicians and performer for a new show.
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