Mathias Schmitt

Mathias Schmitt

Smells like teen spirit: The feels of urban photography


You are a German: how do you think that your origins influence your work?
I would say that I’m rather socialized by Graffiti, Skateboarding, Rave and the Lodown Magazine than my nationality. Nevertheless it is Wolfgang Tillmann´s book „BURG“ in the late 90ies that turned me into a photographer. Those pictures were a huge revelation for me, always craving for identification and self expression. 


You have a sweet spot for detroit and cars - where does this come from?
I love cars and especially old cars. Cars with edges. Heavyweight American station wagons & 4WD´s. French gems from the 70-80ies, ugly Japanese ones to rusty Norwegians and  of course Mercedes and BMW. Bring me any Toyota Landcruiser and I´m yours complete. A while ago I started to focus on headlights, they are like a human eye: each one of them are different. Also because of the brand which I like to hide in my pictures. But sometimes even at night, when you see headlights you recognize the brand of the car. With music it´s the same: you hear it and you know it´s from Detroit. For me, Detroit is a magic place with many rumors and tales. Historically, socially, financially, urban and musically of course. Some of the people I met in Detroit didn´t even knew wich impact their city had globally on their subcultures. That´s why I flew over and did a photo-project and a magazine in the end. The magazine is sold out, but the spirit is not.

Why do you choose photography as a medium?
Skateboard and Music-Magazines extended my view enormous as a teenager, I was fascinated by pictures very early without recognizing the power of that medium. A camera fits easily in a pocket, you can act very spontaneously. Trying to freeze a glimpse of a moment is very attractive, sharing privacy or enthusiasm as well. Actually I wanted to become a social worker, but Wolfgang Tillmann´s „BURG“ flipped the whole chart.

How would you describe your work?
I do not try to influence the situation when I am working with a camera, I´m not that interested into staging but I am aware that I create a stage. When I´m able to share my surroundings in the most genuine way, that gives me pleasure. Maybe my photography lives from the suspense between me and the object in front of my lens. 


What gives you the maximum life and inspires you most these days?
Life gives me the maximum of life. Browsing around through the days with open eyes and ears. Being curious and mindful with your environment and people, being thankful for its existence gives me the power to walk these roads. Music is a huge inspiration every single day. A magazine, a train ride, dinner with people you love, a dark and stormy club-night or a single song have the same impact on me. 


If you close your eyes for 30 seconds and take a deep breath within.
What are the first three things that come to your mind?
This is difficult right now. When I close my eyes, there is only noise. Gray. No concrete picture.

If you could scribble something to the world in difficult times: what would the scribble look like?






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