Marina Guyot

Marina Guyot

16 (Pantone Universe), 2016, pencil 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, H, F, HB, B, 2B, 3B, B4, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B on 16 double pages from a Pantone universe notebook, 38 x 25 cm

Through her practice, Marina Guyot offers the viewer an immersion into an intimate space that she makes hers. The space, whether it is the exhibition or the artwork's, is worked by the artist in a certain way that allows her to extract every data that compose it. Counting, marking and erasing the time as it goes by including it in the exhibition space and in the space of a sheet of paper. A practice that develops itself through inframince interventions, videos, drawings and installations. In her drawings, the artist darkens the time.

16 (Pantone Universe), 2016, pencil 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, H, F, HB, B, 2B, 3B, B4, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B on 16 double pages from a Pantone universe notebook, 38 x 25 cm, details

Lignes d'Erre, 2014, open series 6H pencil on 60g, papers variable dimensions

Lignes d'Erre, 2014, open series 6H pencil on 60g, papers variable dimensions, details

Lignes d'Erre, 2014, open series 6H pencil on 60g, papers variable dimensions

Propriété Temporaire, 2014, beach towel, 150 x 100 cm, folded, pedestal

Non Encore Intitulé, since may 2015 open series of found drawings

She fills the space of the sheet of paper by considering its own information - also, the grid, the dots or even the emptiness of a sheet of paper are the basis Marina Guyot uses for minimal and repetitive gesture works that she generally executes in a given time. Daily and familiar gestures in which the viewer can project himself considering the fact he already made the same instinctive movements when he was trying to outwit boredom. Grey, the color we usually associate to neutrality and silence fills the space and offers to who confronts the artist's artworks, a certain sensory experience that builds itself with the void of the space. 

Images courtesy of the Artist
Marina Guyot


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