Lonneke Van Der Palen

Lonneke Van Der Palen

Lonneke van der Palen’s (1985) vivid photographs bear witness to her almost mathematical sense of colour and design. They often reflect still-life or a portrait showing a single figure. The images tease your imagination, and leave you guessing what it is you are actually seeing and what its underlying importance is. In fact, a single image actually tells an entire narrative.

Van der Palen plays with people’s experience: recognisable elements and visual clichés are combined in such a way that onlookers are continually thrown off balance.The representation of an everyday object that is central to a photo is often so aesthetical – almost theatrical – that it summons up entirely contrasting associations and meanings. Graduated in 2011 at Royal Academy of Art in The hague, The Netherlands.

Images courtesy of Lonneke van der Palen
Lonneke van der Palen is represented by UNSPOKEN


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