Jaeho Hwang

Jaeho Hwang

Being a DJ, musician, and visual artist, what would you say are some of the challenges that come with multimedia?
The challenge that I have experienced is keeping up with everything at the same time and keeping it at the quality that I want. Physically, it would be really hard and tiring to achieve something by all myself within a limited time. However, I really enjoy looking at it as one thing and doing it by myself which gives me 100% creative freedom to execute and express my idea/feeling out of my brain or mind.


Do you often draw inspiration from the South Korean music scene? Or do you look within your own life and/or abroad for inspiration? 
I do often get inspiration from the South Korean music scene. I was hugely inspired by traditional Korean music and sound when I worked on my first EP "Non-Self / 비자아". I was fascinated by the Korean sound that I have forgotten for a long time and I guess that living abroad made me look back to my culture and heritage again with different perspectives than before. I used to take my cultural heritage for granted and even I considered it as something boring if I'm honest. However, I have totally different views on this since I moved out of my motherland and living in a totally different culture. I do really appreciate my heritage and this influenced how I see myself a lot, etc. Recently, I have been drawing inspiration from the underground music scene from East and South East Asia but also old and current Kpop and Ppongjjak. Ppongjjak is a sub-genre of Korean Trot which is dance music for elderly people aged around the 50s and older. Ppongjjak is a really fun and interesting musical genre but it tends to be underrated in the Korean music scene.

What is the most important piece of advice you would give people wanting to pursue a career in DJing/music at large? 
It's a hard one and I don't really know what to say about this question because I don't think I'm in the position to give advice away if I'm honest. Haha… But to answer the question I would say do not worry and do not think about how to do it too much and do not think about how to get famed or to be cool, instead just do it if you feel it from the heart and just be yourself through the process of making music or DJing and you will be happy with yourself and beyond!


What is the creative process look like for you? Is it different or similar depending on the type of art you are creating? 
I guess it's different depending on the type of art that I am creating. When I say "type of art that I am creating" here, I guess we are talking about making music including DJing and visual work/animation. When I create visual art and animation, I think I tend to have a more structured and complex process as everybody else would too.  I tend to have different stages of research and brainstorming and conceptualizing and then I have to think about how to make it actually and technically and ask myself if I have those specific skills to achieve the concept and then sometimes I have to change my plan or even concept if I don't have practical skills to do it, etc. So it seems like there are a lot more things to be concerned about rather than just doing it. However, when I make music and I am DJing I think it seems more immediate, intuitive and natural until I get what I want. Literally, it's more like playing rather than creating or making. Of course, after I achieve what I need in terms of conceptualizing ideas or expressing myself, there is a long process for mixing and mastering but still, it is not as much as the creative process for visual work for me at least.    

What do you hope to achieve in your career? Is it more so about recognition for you or expressing your craft? 
It's more about expressing myself and exploring my life and staying happy by doing it. These are key reasons why I'm doing this. Otherwise, probably I would do something else haha.


Who are some of the artists that have inspired you? 
Hwang Byungki, who was a composer and the foremost South Korean player of the gayageum, traditional Korean instrument, Epaksa (Ppongjjak artist from Korea), Voronhil (aka.Krolik), ASJ, Lafidki, Gabber Modus Operandi, Prison Religion, Sonia Calico, Exploited Body, Nahshi, Sophie... there are so many honestly!!


What is in store for Jaeho in 2020? 
I have been planning on doing two different collaborations of releases on Chinabot with another visual artist and music producer in 2020 (Chinabot is a collective and record label created to change the dialogue surrounding Asian music). And playing more gigs starting at cave12 in Geneva on 18 March 2020.


courtesy JAEHO HWANG


interview CHLOE CHENG


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