Ivar Wigan

Ivar Wigan


A brief talk on the postapocalypse of the future, the cyborgy type of things and eggMcMuffin. His new series „homo deus“ takes us to a possible afterlife, where McDonalds will still exist.


What is your spirit animal - and why?

A one eyed three legged beach mongrel. I always feel more at home with these kind of characters.

The future is …

On another planet. We have 1 billion years left before planet earth becomes guaranteed uninhabitable, after that we will need a new home. At current speeds it will take 6500 years to travel to neighbouring star system Alpha Centauri. Apparently here we have a good chance of finding a new home, but we will have to do a certain amount of breeding in transit. I think that could work, it looks like a cool place to park for an eon or two.


At what time do you get up in the mornings - what do you have for breakfast?

Rise with the sun and eat egg McMuffin. I’m petitioning them to go free range.

What is your recent work about?
The future. Our bodies might change faster than our environment so it is exciting to wonder what we might look like in 100 years. This will be the topic of my work now, cyborgy type things, people of the future.


Your photography often portrays the primal quality of human individuality in a very sublime and authentic way. It seems like an intense procedure. How do you feel when you start projects - do you get lost in them - how do you find out, when it has to end? Tell us more about your process.

I like authenticity and rawness. In the past it was by finding special real life casting to work with. But now I am shooting fashion too and the rawness could be in the styling. The beginning of a project is like looking up a hill and wondering what it would be like to go a few steps up and look down and then getting tempted to go a little higher and a little higher until you find you are at the top. That’s when you know its finished.


What is the best thing you've seen in 2020 (so far)?

Many magical things; on the cosmic scale writer Max Tegmark has changed the way we might look at things, he’s found patterns in the natural world that imply intelligent design in our universe. So a new religion might come out of science, on the international level the burning police station in Minneapolis sparked events that could change this world for the better. On a domestic level „Arca“ by Juergen for I-D just recently published was so good.

lifecycle print.jpg

Let's close our eyes. Feel your breath and your heart: what do you feel in this very exact moment?

My heart beats and it tells me: „go to McDonalds“. But I wont just yet, too much work to do. Maybe at tea time.

Will there be a McDonalds in the sapiens future?

It will be a plant based version, but it will continue.

What will happen to the egg?
What will happen to the chicken?




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