In piedi, osservo l’effimero

In piedi, osservo l’effimero

bruno wears polo GOSHA RUBCHISNKIY archive underwear DEREK ROSE. cielo wears polo GOSHA RUBCHISNKIY archive trousers LUCIO VANOTTI

In the inside of the Altalena studio the scenery of models transforms by influences taken from the performance piece “Bodies” that alternate in space, performing pre-established and spontaneous actions, determined by factors such as behaviour, moods and feelings that develop during the performance itself. Some movements are the elaboration of daily gestures. The intent is to give space to a great imaginative and interpretative freedom. The catharsis of the "stage" elements, which instead of removing, adds strength.

lin lin wears tank top MAISON MARGIELA skirt J.W. ANDERSON shoes RAF SIMONS socks STYLIST’S OWN. aldo wears sweater J.W. ANDERSON trousers MAN-TLE shoes STYLIST’S OWN. patricia wears jacket ALBERTO ZAMBELLI. bruno wears cardigan, trousers and STYLIST’S OWN shoes RAF SIMONS

rebecca wears dress J.W. ANDERSON trousers MARNI shoes MAISON MARGIELA. riccardo wears trousers and socks MARNI archive. lorenzo wears polo SUNNEI archive trousers EYTYS shoes STYLIST’S OWN. cielo wears jacket MARNI archive turtleneck STYLIST’S OWN trousers LUCIO VANOTTI archive shoes NEW BALANCE. martina wears jacket PRADA archive t-shirt STYLIST’S OWN trousers and shows MARNI

rebecca wears jacket and shoes PRADA dress STYLIST’S OWN bag MAISON MARGIELA. lin lin wears shirt MSGM archive skirt and shoes STYLIST’S OWN. martina wears sweater PRADA skirt, shoes and socks STYLIST’S OWN

pedro wears jacket ACNE STUDIOS archive trousers LEVI’S shoes CONVERSE. patricia wears shirt ANDREA POMPILIO archive trousers STYLIST’S OWN shoes MAISON MARGIELA. bruno wears shirt CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC archive trousers MARNI archive shoes CONVERSE. aldo wears sweatshirt USED FUTURE archive trousers and shoes STYLIST’S OWN. martina wears coat PRADA archive trousers STYLIST’S OWN. rebecca wears dress MAN-TLE trousers VAQUERA

doriano wears trousers LUCIO VANOTTI archive socks MARNI archive shoes RAF SIMONS. patricia tank top MARNI skirt RENLI SU trousers KIKISHENZZ shoes STYLIST’S OWN scarf RICK OWENS. jyoon wears dress MARNI archive shoes RAF SIMONS. riccardo wears t-shirt PRESSURE PARIS trousers ACNE STUDIOS archive shoes CONVERSE

lin lin wears shirt MSGM archive skirt and shoes STYLIST’S OWN. lorenzo wears t-shirt STYLIS’S OWN trousers USED FUTURE archive. natalia wears sweatshirt PRESSURE PARIS skirt and shoes STYLIST’S OWN. martina wears dress CARVEN archive trousers LEVI’S shoes MM6 MAISON MARGIELA glasses STYLIST’S OWN dress MARNI archive. patricia wears shirt ANDREA POMPILIO archive trousers STYLIST’S OWN shoes MAISON MARGIELA. alessandro wears shirt LEVI’S archive trousers and hat STYLIST’S OWN shoes CONVERSE


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