Hirschy Grace
What is the first thing you notice about people?
The first thing I notice about people, eyes and hands.
Do you like summer or winter more and why?
Summer or Winter? can I say Autumn?
Which genre of movies do you like most and why?
I really love old horror movies and really psychologically messed up films... I think the dark stuff helps me to put things in perspective.
Do you have any special talents?
Special talents... uhhh I can beat box the simpsons theme song... but not well...
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style.. I am pretty minimalist. I don't feel like I need to be too overtly outrageous in the way I dress to express myself. Sometimes I feel like I am having a straight up identity crisis and I really have no idea what to wear, but I do like to dress like a boy most the time.. I feel feminine regardless.
Who do you respect the most? Why?
Who I respect the most? I respect a lot of people in many different ways... but right now.. I respect my Mum for her strength and my ex boyfriend Aiden.. just because.
Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person?
Night.. I am terrible in the mornings.
What is your biggest goal in life?
My biggest goal in life... well, I have an insatiable hunger to learn at the moment... which is something I feel I haven't had for a while... so my goal is to really try to learn as much as I can about the world, about people and about myself so that I can be the best person that I can be. Lately I have been dreaming of one day building a community of people, living in a village and staying away from anything capitalistic.
Images courtesy of Hirschy Grace
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