Fabius Kossack

Fabius Kossack

Creativity sprouting from basic sketches and comics to building a digital atmosphere, Fabius Kossack is an artist with a design background speaking on the intersection between art and science along with our capabilities as evolving species with fresh and transcendental perspectives each passing phase.

Fabius, currently the lines between art and design are blurring a bit. What do you have to say on your own journey as a creative?

Honestly, that is not really a big surprise to me, as I feel those lines are always blurring and adjusting themselves in a new way whenever a new great artist or collective comes up with a new piece of work. Growing up as a kid and teenager, both design and art were always around and have been the biggest poles in my personal life and professional career. I went from doing graffiti, drawing comics, and abstract art over studying product and communication design to being a designer providing creative services within the field of 3D art and graphic design. Thinking about that now one step has always pretty much straight guided to the next one, although not in such a linear process…

In the digital space where imagination and visions actualize, What do you imagine to be the description of your creative style in such an ambiance?

I am not sure if there can be any accurate description of my style, but in my creative work, I am always aiming for a strong contemporary approach with the main focus on 3D-Design combining different digital techniques. It is very much rooted within digital aesthetics such as chrome, gloss, the play between sharp and soft forms, warped bodies, etc... I always try to understand my current style as a stadium of a huge learning process and therefore the best creative outcome at that point but there is just too much to discover out there in the future. My work is therefore a huge melting pot of different genres, styles, and experimentations raised by the Internet.

Do you think science and art are interconnected? How?

There is definitely a strong connection between these two. Just think about people figuring out basic rules of perspective during the medieval age which was realized through an artistic approach. This proves that there are a lot of parameters of artistic approaches in scientific research practices, for example, the concept of trial and error. Within the last two decades, Technology has also changed art practices radically or if you put it another way, artists have found ways to use software that is rooted in science for their artistic practicies.

Starting from 2d and moving on to 3d atmosphere. Do you think paper print culture will go extinct one day?

No definitely not! Print culture going extinct is one of the most discussed topics in graphic design or at least a question that is asked a lot. Contrary to the assumption that print products are endangered within the last 5 years, there has been real hype around these. But the industry is facing severe challenges with supply shortages, rising production costs, and material cutbacks. I believe that the mass of offerings will decline because many products can be replaced more easily, quickly, and cheaply by digital media alternatives, but beautiful and elaborately designed magazines, books, and posters will always have their buyers.

Why you do that you do? What makes you want to sit for hours and create visuals? Is it organic or conceptualized? Explain the flow

I've been posting my work frequently on social media since the beginning of 2022. Before that, I was really into studying and didn’t care much about social reach. But I’ve learned to use social media as a tool of improvement and experimentation and also as an archive of my own works because it is just so much fun to look back after several months and notice the progress.

But back to the Flow: I guess I just have a really strong motivation to get my thoughts, ideas, and concepts out in the world, and I honestly don’t really plan my postings or work, there are not really planned or related to each other in terms of topics or so. It's just a really intuitive and experimental practice.

Last but not least. Where do you see yourself progressing from here?

There are serious plans of getting started as an agency together with a partner, but I won’t talk too much about that here. Thinking of my skills I really want to expand into even more complex software, into animation and motion design. Also, I really see my works heading toward clients from the high fashion and music industry, cause I think there is still lots of potential in collaborations between 3D Designers or Agencies and both such industries.



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