Ethan Price

Ethan Price


Un post condiviso da Ethan Price (@mrethanprice) in data:

He is genuine and genuinely creative. You see his name as a contributor to all kinds of publications and projects, but what does he do? Does he do it all? He does do lots. Learn something new here about  @mrethanprice and why he likes to write.


Un post condiviso da Ethan Price (@mrethanprice) in data:

What is your full name?
Ethan Alexander Price


Are you named after anyone or anything? 
I think my mum first heard my name on a 90s TV program…or it was from John Wayne’s character in a few of his films where I think he is called Ethan? I’m not that into the idea of being associated with such a masculine figure like John Wayne, so I’ll go with the first one.


Got any nicknames?


Un post condiviso da Ethan Price (@mrethanprice) in data:

What makes somebody an art director?  
I have no idea. Often it is to do with graphic communication, which is something that I have no clue about - just one look from me in the direction of a computer makes it shut down!


For me, it's about having a concept and using visual means to get those ideas across. I guess the ‘direction’ aspect of this is about finding the people that have the skills that you don’t have and working together to try and bring this concept to reality. 


I never find that visual communication is enough for me, so I always accompany any visual work with writing - the main method I use to communicate ideas. Everything always starts and ends with writing for me. I think I’d consider myself more of a writer, as much as I love art direction, styling or casting.

What does it take to be good at casting? 
Actively trying to engage with and tackle the lack of representation of a diverse range of people within fashion is what, for me, makes a good casting director. I think currently, in fashion, casting directors have the ability and responsibility (if their clients give them enough freedom) to create change within the industry. 


With casting, it is possible to have a part in the expansion and adjustments of what is considered beautiful by controlling who gets to be put on the pedestal of being the ‘model’ or ‘talent’. This is a powerful position to be in. It can alter how the consumers of the fashion and beauty industries perceive standards…therefore how they look at themselves. 


Making sure there is a range of representation, taking into account gender, race, size, ability and sexuality is what a casting director should always have at the forefront of their mind with any job they take, whilst also making sure there is not a tokenistic, but genuine representation. 

If you were a household item, what would you be?
I have two white, porcelain dog statues that I found on the street. They have really intensely expressive hand painted faces that seem to change whenever you look at them. They generally look pretty shook. That’s probably what I’d be.


Do blondes really have more fun? 
Sometimes you have more fun, sometimes people think you’re Eminem.. swings and roundabouts.


Who is your celebrity crush?
I don’t think I have one…

where's the paracetamol ?

Un post condiviso da Ethan Price (@mrethanprice) in data:


Images courtesy of ETHAN PRICE 


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