Esogenesi at Studio Home Awareness Gallery

Esogenesi at Studio Home Awareness Gallery

In the heart of Milan, ensconced within the captivating walls of Via Francesco de Sanctis 2, the hallowed grounds of the studiohomeawareness gallery unveil an exquisite spectacle, an artistic tour de force poised to challenge conventional paradigms. Commencing on the illustrious Thursday of November 9, 2023, and resounding until the denouement on November 30, 2023, emerges 'Esogenesi,' a prodigious exhibition orchestrated under the discerning curatorship of studiohomeawareness.

This exposition transcends the mundane to interlace the ethereal realms of emotional introspection and the intricate tapestry woven between man and machine. The convergence of these ostensibly divergent phenomena, unveiled as mutual catalysts, shapes the very fabric of individual identity within our modern tapestry.

Traversing the labyrinthine corridors of the exhibition space, patrons are beckoned to confront the breathless nexus spawned by the communion with their inner emotional crucible. A journey through this curated realm fosters an emergence—a revelation—that transcends this asphyxiating grasp, enabling an ascension towards an augmented self-awareness. Here lies the threshold, the preliminary juncture that paves the way for a profound exploration of the individual and collective dalliance with the omnipresent technology of our epoch.

Each showcased masterpiece, an opus in its own right, intricately weaves a narrative that resonates with the intrinsic essence of our shared human inquiry. Amidst this visual symphony, the plurality of themes and inquiries coalesce into an enigmatic melange, mirroring the perpetual pursuit and disorientation of the contemporary soul. Suspended betwixt the abyss of inner sanctums and the fervent tension in the dalliance with the exogenous, a palpable urgency surges forth, compelling contemplation and catalyzing introspection.

'Esogenesi' thus heralds a bastion of artistic expression, a crucible of reflection and inquiry that transcends temporal confines. It is an evocative testament to the ceaseless quest for understanding, an invitation to traverse the corridors of our emotional labyrinth and engage in a dialogue with the symbiotic interplay between humanity and the machinery of progress.

In this epochal narrative, the convergence of man and machine is not a binary entanglement but an evocative overture—an enigmatic sonnet that beckons us to explore, to unravel, and to unearth the harmonious resonance in the dissonance of existence.

Giorgia Grassi, born in 1997, Rome [Italy], Centers her work on human fragility, interpreting it as emotional suffering. Through diverse media experiments—painting, installations, and video—she gives substance to the fleeting, enabling personal aesthetic catharsis.

Giovanni Lo Castro, born in 1997, Rome [Italy], Navigates between video installations, photography, and painting, exploring media imagery in its manifold forms. Focusing on hybrid spaces that blur the line between the real and virtual.

Enrico Pozzobon, born in 1998, Montebelluna [Italy], Primarily delves into audiovisual creations, oscillating between the mundane and the sublime, between jest and poetry. Exaggerating the fragmented nature of today's hyper-mediated condition.

Together, these artists delve into the hybrid relationship between the individual and "technological" devices, exploring imagery and the connected perceptual upheavals.

photos courtesy of @keizoueno

Esogenesi - until 30th November From Wednesday to Saturday / 3 to 7pm


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