Elke Windshuttle

Elke Windshuttle

Elke Windshuttle’s photos are the strong silent type. They have a point of view but don’t force anything down your throat. They somehow exude a feminine quality. Maybe that is because they are beautiful, thought provoking, sweet, subdued and delightful?

What is your full name and how old are you? 
Elke Antoinette Numeyer-Windshuttle, 26

Did you formally train in photography?
No. I'm learning new things about photography and my camera all the time. 

You are based in Copenhagen but guessing from your photos, you travel a lot - Is this true? Yes. I haven't really stayed in one place for longer than a year since moving out of home in Australia. Change has been an important aspect of my life for years so if it doesn't come naturally, I tend to seek it out through travel.

Where have you been in the world? What is next?
My first time overseas was here in Copenhagen, followed by the major capital cities in Europe. I had the opportunity to live in a remote village in Tuscany, Italy for a long time before traveling through Thailand, India, Japan and Hong Kong. Being back in Denmark feels right though, I think I've always wanted to return here and explore more of Scandinavia. 

What is the strangest thing you've eaten on said travels?
I tried cow's brains once. Wouldn't recommend it.

Coolest thing you've purchased or been given on your travels?
The person who I've travelled with most gave me a beautiful old Pentax camera before I left Italy. I've been obsessed with shooting film ever since.

“Women have an incredible voice in photography and the ones taking risks and refusing to accept mediocre jobs are the game-changers!”
— Elke Windshuttle

What do you consider each time you take a picture? What do you look for or ask yourself? Do you consciously compose your image or do you prefer to act in the moment?
I constantly see meaningful images everywhere I go, and if I don't have my camera on me you'll often hear me say "that would be a good photo". I consider my relationship with the subject, whether it's a person, a landscape, an animal or an object. How I feel when I experience it grabs my attention first and then I question why I feel that way. Usually the image mirrors my mood at the time so depending on what I'm feeling I'll end up shooting content that I connect with emotionally. I only try to compose an image so that it represents what my eyeballs see as accurately as possible. Representation is a big responsibility as an artist. 

Your pool series is fun - can you tell me more about that? Do you burn easily? 
Poolside began when I shot some pictures at Fitzroy Pool in Melbourne; the pool scene there is truly unique. I love watching all the different relationships celebrated by the water and also, how humans relate with water. I feel that by the pool or the sea, we reveal not only our physical identities but a lot of our inner selves without judgement. We are mesmerized by the color blue and share the space equally which is rare in many other environments. When the series is complete I hope to make a photo book. I'm as white as they get, so I burrrrn.

Are you tech savvy? Do you have an iphone x or an old flip phone?
God no. I have four photos on my Instagram and I have an iPhone because it's cheaper to FaceTime from overseas.

Who is your hero in the photography world? Who is your hero in general?
All the female photographers who are shooting content close to their hearts and telling stories with integrity are heroes. There are a lot of places in the world where women can't shoot freely and safely with authenticity, so content is limited. Women have an incredible voice in photography and the ones taking risks and refusing to accept mediocre jobs are the game-changers! 


images courtesy of ELKE WINDSHUTTLE


interview ASHLEY MUNNS


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