Doubt Clothing

Doubt Clothing

Who are the designers behind Doubt Clothing?  Tell us about your team and and how you came to be!
Doubt is a couple; Marine and Antoine; both 23 years old. We started the project for a trivial reason - we were fed up with our jobs. Marine had started at fashion school and Antoine was involved in marketing for shitty brands.
Now our work is based on veracity and trueness.  With each collection we work around a theme that we love. We don’t care to have a long-term brand image, we just want to communicate our reality to our audience. Each collection is independent.

Why did you name your clothing label "Doubt"?
« Doubt » is the only name we found to stop doubting about our brand name. 

Is it easy or hard to have a clothing line in your part of France?  What are the challenges and what are the benefits?
In Bordeaux, we have everything we need to work! We go to paris when we need to and it is perfect like this. We know that our customers are not in Bordeaux, but the rural, the « ordinary » people are so inspiring to us. There is a huge effervescence in capitals, but you get bored very fast. Maybe living in Paris would never have lead us to shoot the campaign pictures in a tuning car meeting.

Do you consider your clothing line fashion, sportswear or streetwear? Does it even matters anymore? Are the lines so blurred that anything goes in terms of what you call your clothes?
For us it just doesn’t matter anymore. In fact, we consider doubt as a « BRAND »,  a name under which we do what we want to do. The only limit we have is the collection theme, it’s the way we communicate our reality, and it makes us more creative. 
For example, if the next collection theme is about cinema, sportswear or streetwear won’t be a question. Maybe we will make a cinema chair and popcorn and next to that the clothes.  Wearable and at an affordable price ! J

Your current track suit fabric is sourced from a hospital right?  Can you give us more info on this?
Exactly ! The fabric is sourced from a hospital. The first collection theme was « hospital / tuning cars », some days after choosing the theme, a friend discovered that he had diabetes. Arriving in his hospital room, we saw the sheets, they were wonderful! So, in this search of truthfulness, we decided that we would produce all the garments with real hospital sheets.

What do you see outside your window in your design studio?
A professional training center for people who don’t have work anymore.

If you could choose a celebrity or well known person (dead or alive) to be your brand ambassader, who would you choose?
Nicolas Sarkozy, former French president. A physical specimen full of potential!


Images courtesy of DOUBT CLOTHING

interview ASHLEY MUNNS

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