Dora Diamant

Dora Diamant

Shellfish cunt 😢

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Traveling between Tokyo and Paris is the norm for Dora Diamant, and partying while exploring both cities is just another typical day for the photography enthusiast.

Pokedyke level 666

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What are the challenges when you travel between Paris and Tokyo?
To make sure I leave with an empty luggage so I can come back with enough second-hand photo books, kinky presents and ugly toys from Nakano Broadway.


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Do you prefer Paris or Tokyo?
I dream of Mexico atm. 😊

Elle voit pas plus loin que ses yeux πŸ‘€ #almodovieillar

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What do you like to capture on your camera?
Girls in bathtubs of different shape, tears and sweat.

Djing tonight at Le Salol, Paris

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What is your favourite game console, and why?
I'm a PS2 fanatic, heroic fantasy is in my blood but atm planning on robbing my local game store for the Switch Console.

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What do you wish to do for a living?
Sail a boat to adventures with a built-in photo studio in the back, bring my wife and my best-friends and breed some mermaids maybe also.

Wonana what's her name @karinwesterlundmakeup

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What is your personal style?
Cheap and chic lol, Gayrissol my everyday treasure box in BarbΓ©s.

Brussels I'm in u again take me out tonight

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Red-carpet or street style?
Red carpe koi.

Images courtesy of Dora Diamant

Interview Kardelen Yuce


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